HIV, TB & Malaria testing kits

Posted by Coldie
Jan 14, 2008

Hi @LL,

Good Day from Singapore!

Just wondering if you are able/keen to help with this...

We have a source for on-the-spot testing kits for HIV, Malaria and TB. Takes seconds to do the test & get the results within minutes. No need to go to clinic for test.

Approved by WHO.
Already being used in many countries
Not expensive.
Huge potential through right channels.
Excellent for medical aid agencies who often find testing a problem.
HIV testing can be kept confidential if self-administered, so can be sold in pharmacies too for general public.

If you see a market for these units in any parts of your world, then there is a huge potential here to earn money. We have write-ups and approvals in soft copy as/when needed.

Please contact me for more details...

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