Connecting Mind, Body and Soul!
Steve D’Annunzio is a student/teacher who has surrendered his personal will and dedicated his life to the service of God.
Steve will be my guest on Out-Side the Box Live: with Bob Yeager on Wednesday November 14th at 1PM MST, 3PM EST and 12PM PST on the Real Coaching Radio Network. Steve is also my new co-host!
He runs a business ministry that mentors success coaches and entrepreneurs all over the country. His radical teachings pull people out of their mind and into their heart. Steve uses principles of Higher Awareness to inspire others to be a far greater version of themselves than they ever before knew to be possible .
By combining scientific and spiritual truths, he co-creates inner transformations for people to experience more outer prosperity in their life. He is an author and composer of many books, paradigms, and artistic projects that have the common theme of alleviating human suffering and enhancing joy. He has recently finished his latest book, The Prosperity Paradigm, and lives with his family in Rochester, NY.Your paradigm constitutes your total world-view belief system. It is a cultural rulebook that is stored in the subconscious mind, and forms your version of reality. It contains rules of conduct in every area of life—what to like/not like, how to dress, what to eat, how we heal, how to earn, where to live, what a ‘good or bad’ job is, what is or isn’t socially acceptable behavior, etc. It also contains hidden guidelines about what is possible for you to achieve in the world in which you were raised, not the world in which you live. Most people don’t freely choose or decide these things—their cultural programming does. While you think you are consciously making choices, the programmed paradigm stored in your subconscious mind is telling you what to do.
Each person’s paradigm map is a belief system that guides them through life’s journey, and that belief system is, for the most part, ‘input’ by their culture, rather than arrived at by themselves. The great majority of human beings are following a paradigm map that guides them to experience money problems and unhappiness. And worse yet, these same people believe that this negativity is their destiny and unchangeable. Nothing could be farther from the truth. If you are one of these people, as I was, you are simply following a faulty map. It is not your fault, but it is your responsibility to make a shift, and shift you can.
If you would like to see Steve's Prosperity Paradigm Work Shop, Live from the Rain Forest of Costa Rica on December 1st via live, DVD quality internet video stream; using the very first Internet Artificial Intelligence Technology, click here and reserve your seat.
You will also get an archive of Steve's work shop, 2 other live events and 6 archived events total. This is a rare opportunity to realize and witness this new technology through spiritual and personal development!
To Your Success,
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Comments (3)
Coach Steve Toth
On December 1, lol
Coach Steve Toth
Awesome Lisa,
We will have a LIVE video/audio stream on Real Coaching Radio Network from Costa Rica. I hope you'll tune-in!
To Your Success,
Lisa G.
Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant
Costa Rica!!!!!!!
I love that place!
I had the pleasure of traveling there, 3 years ago. I fell in love with everything about the beautiful country of Costa Rica.