Dare to Be Great-The Mastermind

Posted by Coach Steve Toth
Oct 30, 2007

Yesterday, Arthur Hawk and Real Coaching Radio launched our new radio show "Dare to Be Great" in support of the world-wide launch of Napoleon Hills-Law of Success series of 16 digital multi-media ebooks as a reading course.Mastermind-The Law of Success

Arthur Hawk has been studying the work of Napoleon Hill for over twenty years. He has been working on translating these books from the early 1900 century language to present English for the last seven years and now he is working on translating them to seven other languages for world-wide distribution.

Arthur, then gave the listeners some history on how this work came about and the source of the material of which Napoleon Hill's research was founded. These success principles were created by studying some of the most successful people of our times; Edison, Ford, Firestone, Carnegie, Alexander Bell, Rockefeller, Einstein, etc...

We then discussed several concepts presented in the authors first book of the series, Lesson-1 "The Mastermind"; what it means to do more then you are paid for, we need not seek opportunity in distance, how we can stop looking for the solution outside of ourselves so that we may find it where we stand, everything great ever created begun in the imagination of some one person, the importance of skillfully and tactfully including others to cooperate, how we can learn to serve before trying to collect?

We have answered such questions as; what is organized knowledge?, what is mastermind?, how we can change the chemistry of our minds and how is that related to the Law of Attraction?

 Click here or on the book to the right to subscribe to Napoleon Hill's Library: "Law of Success" in 16 Lessons or to get your FREE copy of Napoleon Hills "Thing and Grow Rich" to experience what these digital multi-media eBooks are like.

Coach Steve closed the show out with a direct quote from the first lesson: "The Six most dangerous enemies by Napoleon Hill:

  1. Fear of poverty
  2. Fear of death
  3. Fear of ill health
  4. Fear of the loss of love
  5. Fear of old age
  6. Fear of criticism"

You can listen to the archived show "Dare to Be Great-Mastermind" in our radio widget or subscribe to our shows on iTunes.

Tune-in next Sunday, at 7:00 PM MST on Real Coaching Radio-Dare to Be Great show when we discuss the next lesson-”A Definite Chief Aim” by Napoleon Hill, Law of Success.

To Your Success,

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Comments (2)
Coach Steve Toth

Thank you Mizrae;

It is also available on my site FREE as a multi-media digital eBook, and don't miss out on the Law of Success series. Plus, the best affiliate program on the planet at my blog.

To Your Success,

Oct 31, 2007 Like it
Rae Steinbrink

I have always been a big fan of Napoleon Hill's books. I urge everyone to read "Think and Grow Rich"

Oct 31, 2007 Like it
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