Increase Your Profits In 7 Days By Staying Organized

Posted by Mike
Oct 13, 2007
Image If you want to get your Affiliate Marketing business ship shape, you can do it in just seven days. You will see increased web traffic, new customers, and you will be able to communicate with more of your customers. In one week, you will become more organized, and you will be able to process more orders than before. Making money online requires you to keep finding new ways to advertise and sell more products and services.

Day 1

You should organize your computer so that you will be able to get to software, order sheets, payment sheets, email lists, and product information when you need it quickly and easily. Create storage files online for this information so that you can update and change it whenever you need to. Clear away any items that you no longer need or print off information that is valuable, but that you don’t have an immediate need for. This will free up memory on your computer so that you will be able to store new information as it comes along.

Being organized will allow you to spend more time marketing and responding to customer questions. You will see an increase in profits by creating trust in your customers and by getting your business’s name out there.

Day 2

You should re-evaluate your current software to see if it is giving you what you need. If you can run your business efficiently with simple spreadsheets, then you will not have to change much. But if you are having trouble managing your expenses, profits, and orders, then you should invest in software that will help you stay organized. You should also take some time each day to update these programs with new information.

Day 3

You should begin looking at your web site to see where small improvements can be made. Adding and deleting content, updating graphics, and making sure all the links work properly will help customers who are visiting your web site to make a purchase.

Day 4

You should take a look at the markets you are advertising in to see if there are new markets to be found or if you will need to market more aggressively. You should research possible places to market your web site and consider writing articles for databases which allow other web sites to use for free. This is advertising that will cost you nothing and will reach a lot of people.

Day 5

You should create a newsletter that you will be able to send to existing customers. This newsletter can be sent weekly or monthly, but it should inform customers about new products, improvements to your web site, and other valuable information.

Day 6

You should create a blog if you haven’t already and update it. Blogs should be updated at least once a week in order to keep people interested in reading it.

Day 7

You should try to find other web sites that you want to swap links with. This will boost business and improve your search engine ranking.

See how simple this all is. Small changes can have a profound impact on your business - never forget that.
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