AGLOCOâ„¢ - First Internet Based Economic Network

Posted by 2b not2b
Aug 9, 2007
Own The Internet
Get paid for whatever you
do on the Internet!!!
Making money on
the net has never been so EASY!
"This is really one of
the  Best Programs I believe a person
could join. Once you see it you'll be
saying those three magical words - Sign Me Up!

AGLOCO a re-birth of
AllAdvantage who paid 100 million US Dollars to its Members in 1999 and 2000.
This new company (launched November 2006), founded by a bunch of Stanford MBA
students, is creating quite a buzz. Their slogan is ‘Own the Internet’… (this
is what finally convinced me to join).

………..SoAglocois a new twist on an old concept.
What happens when you sign up for Agloco is simple:You install a piece of
software on your computer that displays a small Viewbar below your current web
browser window. That Viewbar has ads on it that change based on where you surf.
If you go to a fishing site, you might see ads for fishing. If you go to a news
site, you might see ads for blogs, just like you do now with ads from Google
and Yahoo. You
don’t have to click on the ads, you don’t have to stare at the Viewbar, you
just have to have it up and running.  And
it occupies a very little space at the bottom of your screen.  You just keep the viewbar up when are on
internet doing your own work.   You get
paid money for every hour it’s open. Further, you get paid for every hour that
your friends view the Viewbar. And your money extends 5 levels deep - you,
signing up friends who sign up their friends who sign up their friends who sign
up their friends who sign up their friends, and you make money at every level.
“We have comments from Bill Gates
(and now from YouTube Founder Chad Hurley) indicating
that we are on the right track.” But the saddest thing is, Bill Gates and Chad Hurley comments have
nothing to do with AGLOCO.

pay BILLIONS of dollars to AGLOCO to showcase their ads on their viewbar where huge
amount of users like you and I utilize.

AGLOCO gets to keeps 10% ofthe BILLIONS of
dollars generated.
At the end of the day, 90% of the BILLIONS of dollars go to the people
who made all this possible-Everyday users like you and I
Why?  Because USERS like YOU and I OWN AGLOCO! (100% Members owned community).

My Advice :
Sign up now – Invite all your FRIENDS and Others you know to double your income And let’s make the most of the
Join AGLOCO 100% FREEEE (So you have nothing to lose, everything to gain) And Make Money From
The Internet.
Five Easy Steps To Make Money Online
Step 1: Join
Agloco For Free. Click this  link
Step 2: Download & Install A Free Viewbar (at present under beta testing)
Step 3: Surf The Net For 5 Hours Per Month
Step 4: Refer Your Friends & Family and place online free ads etc.
Step 5: Cash Your huge Earnings
Simmons have done intensive
research about AGLOCO Pay Plan Plz read it
here :

Its that easy -  Join Todayfor FREE.
Agloco - You WILL REGRET if you
miss this. Trust me.

Click here and join for FREE (or
copy & paste if Link not working)
   My Refferal  ID : BBBS6210
PS:  Please check your INBOX in your
Email ID  for Verification Link sent by
AGLOCO after you have signedup successfully. Free E-Mail services (such as Hotmail or Yahoo etc.) take a few minutes
for the confirmation E-Mail to reach your Inbox.
If the Confirmation E-Mail has not arrived within a few minutes, check your
Junk/Spam Mail folder, as some E-Mail providers may automatically filter your
…has just launched - Build Your List Fast, Easy, And Free
If you are part of a program like AGLOCO, uVme or
selling a product or want to promote your Website or Blog, you are most likely
in need of referrals/members or trying to generate traffic to your site...or
losing money and time advertising, but there is another way.. LIST BANDIT!!

EMAIL to thousands  Every Week!  LIST BANDIT… It’s about building a massive, PROFITABLE list for
online opportunity seekers- Absolutely Free
Join ListBandit right now FREE
 Get Lucky Every Day with
..The next big Internet Opportunity get paid
for playing games!
going to be worth $412 per second, and we haven’t even started!
uVme is a fast-moving and unique
business that combines three of the most exciting phenomena on the internet: ONLINE GAMES,SOCIAL NETWORKING WITH INSTANT LIVE COMMUNICATION, and SOCIAL MARKETING.

Get AHEAD of the GAME and start getting your friends,
family and contacts to join for FR*EE via your own link, before the GAMES GO LIVE. you can earn money in 9 different ways.
Guest login  EVO246273RR
FUN awaits.... see you inside...
To you success
Comments (3)
Karlitus karlitus


Hello, i'm new by here, and also new in agloco, so it's good to know people like you with more experience than me!

I put some of my links, maibe someone could be interested.

Thanks so much!

Sep 21, 2007 Like it


Here is some thing different. A Video Sharing site that give back 50% of Revenue to 10% for referring others. Just simple copy paste of embed code from you tube/ Google video/Yahoo video . Money directly in your adsense account
Details at

Sep 4, 2007 Like it

A new network like agloco(10level) and myspace(its content)

Its FREE, Get THREE, Earn 10,000$/m.

IMAGINE THIS ---What if myspace paid you 10 paisa per page view you see and also the pages your referrals see upto 10 levels (10 % from each level)
you would be easily earning 10,000$/month as you must have invited atleast 3 people here who must have invited thousands,
Yuwie is same like orkut and myspace but it pays you for every page view.

This site pays you for------
---Uploading pictu

Sep 2, 2007 Like it
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