Are You a Million Dollar Deal Junkie?

Posted by Valerie Hasara
May 23, 2007
What is the difference between a millionaire and a million dollar deal junkie?

The millionaire keeps his focus on what pays -
The junkie pays for his lack of focus.

The Test - does this sound like you? If so you might be a Million Dollar Deal Junkie?

The magic number seems to be two hours a night. Just give your Internet business two hours a night and that million dollars can't help but start rolling in.

You are committed and sit down at your desk every night. This is time to focus on your Internet business. This isn't your day job, YET, but you are determined to learn fast and make it work. Everyone else is making millions, just read their testimonial.

I can do this. I know I can.

Its evening and you diligently close yourself into your little home office to begin building an empire.

Your keyboard is heating up as you check your affiliate accounts and take a look into your back offices. You do a little web surfing to see what is going on with others selling your same products.

An article catches your attention 'Proven - Powerful - make money faster' so you read on. You are lead to a handy dandy tool that you know will to make your programs sell faster. You click that BUY NOW button and enter your Paypal info.

In taking a closer look at your new tool you soon realize you can make big money if you sell it. So you spend a good amount of time learning everything about this new program. You even found an E-book for $19.95 that tells you exactly what the experts have to say on the matter.

WOW three hours have gone by. You gave your business an extra hour tonight. You go to bed knowing you are one step closer to that million dollars.

Or are you?
The truth is many of us are addicted to the dream of becoming rich but lack the focus to make it a reality. Yes you can become a millionaire in two hours a night. You just have to stop following the junkies.

So you want to become a millionaire?

Anything, any product, can make money on the web. Just look around you everything is making money on the web. So pick one thing you are passionate about and stick to it. Don’t loose focus. Don't change you mind until you have a least made your investment back on the product you have chosen to promote.

Its time for that magical 2 hours, you are going to do nothing but pure business building. Write yourself a list of what needs to be done in the next two hours that will make you money. Always ask yourself am I actively selling? The first two or three things you do should focus on making money with your product. If you never get to the selling how do you get to the making money?

If you want information on how to market over the Internet it is everywhere for free. Don’t pay for it you don't have to. There is no big secret that someone hasn’t given away for free already. Ask questions, ask where, and ask how. And by the way do this on your own time not with the 2 hour business window.

If you want a marketing tool, like an autoresponder or a splash page, first look around and see who offers it for free. Use free tools until you see what is going to work for you and then upgrade as you start making money. So often we run out and pay for things we don’t use and just end up getting side tracked.

Focus on one thing
Focus on one thing right now
And you will soon be enjoying the millionaire lifestyle you set you sights on.

Valerie Hasara
editor OyesUcan ezine Free Classified
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Comments (4)
Carlton Riddick

Internet Marketing Specialist

Awesome advice! Focus is really the key to succeeding in everything.


Sep 14, 2007 Like it
John Dilbeck

Hi Valerie,

That's great advice.

I've found that when I want to focus on marketing, I make sure not to check my email, open my feed reader, turn off IM, and let the phone go to voice mail.

Then I make a list of what I want to do in order of priority. If the priorities are about the same, I try to do the thing that stands the best chance of selling something.

As a full-time online marketer, I don't set aside two hours. Usually, it's more like ten or twelve hours.

I never get as much done as

Sep 6, 2007 Like it
Retail Solutions

Great advice Valerie.

Many thanks,

Chris Mayhew

Aug 12, 2007 Like it
Elizabeth Neal

Online Marketer

Very good advice! Sometimes I'm online working, then I'm getting sidetracked by something else, next thing you know 3-4 hours have gone by. But sometimes it works out for the best because I'll have learned something new that I didn't know before, or I'll think to try something new.

Elizabeth Neal

Jun 25, 2007 Like it
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