6 Fun Facts You Should Know Already About Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is used in every step to promote a product or service online. Any company, big or small, takes the help of a digital marketing company to promote their activities and everything related to their company. You might be familiar with a lot of things that are used daily during digital marketing. But there are a lot of fun facts about digital marketing that you will enjoy knowing. Take a look at these fun facts.
1. A consumer’s attention span is very less. You always get only 8 seconds to get a person hooked on any content. It can be a blog, a post, or a video but if it isn’t something new and catchy, you won’t be able to attract anyone.
2. Infographics have become quite popular now. This is because people become more attracted to visual images along with information. This is why infographic gets shared on social media more than any other type of content.
3. Images are very important. Unless a person is reading an interesting novel, people are still like kids who get attracted by images first. If the content has relevant images, then it will get 94% more views than normal.
4. Advertising is a very important part of digital marketing. A search ad has the power to increase awareness for your brand by 80%. On the other hand, a display advertisement can increase traffic to your company’s official website by 300%. Most traffic to your website comes from either advertisements or search engines.
5. Ever written any content? Or have you read any blog recently? You might have noticed that the titles of every content on the internet tend to be quite long. This is because it has been observed that any content that has at least 6-13 words in their titles tend to attract the highest and most consistent amount of traffic.
6. We have a habit of searching for anything we need to be “near me”. You might have searched “digital marketing company near me” for yourself too. It has been observed if a service or a business place is searched on their smartphone then at least 76% of them will definitely visit the place on the very same day. if it is about a product, then 28% of these searches on the smartphones result in the purchase of the product.
So, what do you think of these facts for digital marketing? Are you also looking for taking help from a digital marketing company? Then these fun facts will definitely help you to know better.