10 Common signs and symptoms of sleep apnea

Posted by Dynamix Group
Mar 23, 2021

Sleep apnea is a commonly occurring sleep disorder. It can potentially be serious as your breathing is repeatedly interrupted when asleep. Beyond the harm to your general well-being it causes, it can contribute to long-term illnesses. Illnesses include diabetes or heart disease. Sleep apnea can affect anyone irrespective of age or gender. Here are ten common signs and symptoms associated with this condition:

  1. Loud snoring – If your snoring is so loud that it can affect your bed partner, it could be sleep apnea.
  2. Stop breathing when sleeping – If your bed partner notices you stop breathing intermittently in your sleep, it is cause for worry.
  3. Abrupt loss of sleep – There are times when you can wake suddenly with shortness of breath. You feel like you are choking and need to gasp for breath.
  4. Nightly bathroom breaks – You wake up intermittently in the night to use the bathroom and cannot get regular sleep.
  5. Dry mouth and throat – When you wake up, your mouth feels irrationally dry, and your throat is sore for no clear reason.
  6. Headaches – Sleep is a time for relaxation. If you wake up with headaches instead, it might be time for concern.
  7. Insomnia – Insomnia is the condition of getting a reasonable amount of sleep. A person with sleep apnea has their sleep disturbed and can, therefore, fall victim to this condition.
  8. Hypersomnia – A person who does not get a good sleep at night is likely to feel tired throughout the day and try to compensate for it with excessive sleep during the daytime. This condition is known as Hypersomnia.
  9. Memory issues – You are fully awake, but you have trouble concentrating or bringing your full concentration to a topic you need to focus on. You often cannot remember and have memory lapses.
  10. Mood variations – Constant irritability when awake and sudden mood swings for no plausible reasons might also be signs.

It is best to consult a doctor in such conditions. While many therapies can be recommended, one of the most common ones is Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). During sleep apnea, there are spontaneous pauses of breath, when asleep, due to the airway closing. To keep it open, a constant flow of airway pressure to your throat can be sent by a CPAP machine. One of the most popular among such machines is made by Philips. Enquire the Philips CPAP Machine Cost In India with us.

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