
About our Business

Greetings to all......

I'm a former corporate and public sector executive now working at home.

I'm married to my wonderful bride Melinda, of thirty-three years. We've got twin grown sons, Evan and Tyler. We're originally from New England and have lived in Virginia for the past six years.

Our current venture is with a company called United First Financial, a Utah based firm. They have a product called the Money Merge Account or MMA for short.

Using the MMA's financial dashboard, American homeowners can get a road map that will show them how to become totally debt free in a specific month and year. This includes paying off their mortgage in 1/3 to 1/2 the time, without changing their lifestyle or standard of living.

The Money Merge Account is going to become a household name and you can get all the details by going to:


Sign up for the free analysis. It's risk free, there's no obligation and you have nothing to lose, except your mortgage. Our 29 year note has been reduced to 7.4 years and we're saving over $375,000 in mortgage interest.

Sound too good to be true? We thought so too. But it's not and that's why we're marketing it and spreading the word as far and wide as we can.

Call or email if you have questions or want more information. Local live presentations are taking place across America and daily Webinars are also available.

You can also ask me about becoming a U1st agent.

Thanks for the opportunity to say hi.


Gary C. Partridge



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