About our Business

Dr. Miller's Holy Tea has truly been a blessing in my life.  First, let me say it is not about religion, although I am a Christian.  One of the ingredients is Holy Thistle, therefore, the name Holy Tea.  Dr. Miller, who has a PHD in Nutrition, has been using this product in his clinic for over 20 years.

Dr. Miller recently sold the rights to market his product to a networking company  and they just launched about a month ago, in fact we are due to receive our first month's commisions in a few days.  However, if I never received any money, I would continue using this product as long as I can get it.  I can not speak for others as to what all it can do for you, but, it has helped me tremendously.

Here are just  a few of the problems that may be helped with this tea:

* take inches off their belly and reduce fat everywhere (without dieting or giving up any favorite foods);
* get relief from allergies and hay fever;
* clean out nicotine and second-hand smoke deposits;
* keep the colon, kidneys, liver, and lungs healthy and clean;
* improve digestion and absorption of nutrients;
* help detoxify chemicals created by parasites, fungi, yeast, and bad bacteria in the colon and digestive tract;
* help remove toxins from the blood, organs, and entire digestive system;
* end constipation, hard stools, and hemorrhoids;
* help relieve digestive ailments such as Acid Reflux (GERD), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn's Disease, Diverticulitis, Colitis;
* have skin which is healthy, soft, and younger-looking;
* aid in reducing high LDL cholesterol and hypertension.

People have received different results for different problems.  As for myself, it stopped my constipation completely and I lost 6 lbs in the first 6 days.  I feel great and have more energy than I have had in years.

Everyone needs to detoxify their bodies.  This tea cleanses your colon and has many other health benefits.  Everyone I have given the product to try have loved it .

If you would like information about this product, please go to:


P.S. If you go to this website and decide to try the product, please do not sign up at this url.  Please email me at granbuddy@gmail.com,  and put holy tea in the subject line.  I help everyone in my downline, therefore, I will give you a different url to sign up with.  

So, don't delay if you want to make some serious money. Take a look at the pay plan, I don't think you have ever seen anything like it.  Even with this awesome pay plan, the most important part is the product!

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Oniece Gregory
Greenbrier, United States
An over achiever who is willing to continue to grow and learn from other professionals. View Profile


Business Industry

  • Internet & eBusiness
  • Business
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Marketing
