Member's Profile

Emmanuel Makinde
Ojo, Nigeria
Someone with goals and a strong desire to follow through. They are always continuously working towards their goals. View Profile

Business Industry

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How to make money online
Apr 26 2010 06:27
Paid to read mails (PTR)One of the quick ways to make money online is to get paid to read emails. Paid to read (PTR)-programs or websites send emails to their registered members with promotions of services or products. The member read the email, click on a link in the email, stay on the site for a few seconds, and get paid for it. It actually is as simple as that. Advertisers want people to read their ads, surf their websites and try out their products. If they send out tons of emails to get people to do this, they would be accused of spamming and their ISP would shut them down pretty quickly. To avoid this, they will instead pay people that have voluntarily signed up at a Paid to Read-program.a good example is this: Getting Free Traffic for your Websites/blogsIf you are not willing to spend lots of money to increase web traffic, there are many ways to get free traffic. If you want to get free traffic in your website without spending single dollar, you need to learn how to generate it by yourself. There are dozens of ways for it. Here I mention some tips that how to get free traffic.You can post ads in many free websites; it can generate more targeted traffic in your websites. The ad must be designed attractive and give pleasing information to the visitors.Good quality articles can generate more increase web traffic. Write articles with good content and place in directories, you should consider enough key words and links in articles to reach you website. This method is very popular to get more traffic. MAKE MONEY BETTING ONLINEWith the advent of the internet, football betting has become relatively easy. Today, you don't have to walk down to the bookmakers office to place your bet. Online betting can be done from the comfort of your home and you don't have to wait for a response from the bookmaker to place your bet. Most football fans who want to place a bet and are unable to get the required resources which can help them understand the intricacies of the game can benefit from joining an online betting websites. These websites have many options to make it easy for fans to place their bets.

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