About our Business

GreenSmoke the New Alternative Offers Electronic Cigarettes. Green Smoke electric cigarettes Provide the look and feel of a typical cigarette, but without any dangerous cancer-causing chemicals. Green Smokers inhale clean water vapor with nicotine ? with no tar, ash or smoke. Green Smoke has several advantages over tobacco cigarettes: ? No cigarette butts. ? No second hand smoke. ? No complaints from non-smokers. ? Saves your health. ? Saves money. ? No foul odors that stick to linen, clothing, walls, cars etc. ? You can smoke inside restaurants, bars, airports, etc. - even where smoking is banned. We strive to provide our customers with friendly and effective customer service. We listen and we care. FOR A HEALTHIER SMOKING EXPERIENCE Follow this link for 10% off your first order! GO TO: http://www.greensmoke.com/disc10-16862

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