- The site of Metaphysical Courses - Apr 28th 2024 01:53

About our Business

Welcome to the site of Lintang Kautsar Here, you can learn various courses of metaphysical sciences, mostly from Indonesia, either direct or distance learning, that will assist you in gaining spiritual enlightenment and knowledge as you discover your true self and learn how to help others. THE AGE OF SPIRITUALITY In this day and age of spirituality, It is becoming increasingly important for us to learn metaphysical sciences in our endeavour for health, wealth, protection and prosperity. WHAT THE COURSES ARE LIKE Mostly, the metaphysical sciences taught in this site are originally from Indonesia, while some others from other countries, such Tibet, China, and India. DIRECT OR DISTANT LEARNING Study at your own pace while you work, stay at home, or travel. You can also study metaphysical sciences taught here in person (face to face).

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Joko Try Abdul Haqq, i don't want to call him as my friend, because he is my teacher who taught me a lot of spiritual knowledge, and especially the lessons of life. He is the representative of spiritual path that I have joined from 2001 until now. His spiritual knowledge is unlimited.
 - mend0an October 5th, 2010

Hi are u doing??? it's surprising indeed to see you here... I know you well as a metaphysic practioner....I can you friends here that jokotry is really good at metaphysics, he's a leader of dzikr in his hometown and teach several metaphysical courses...many people have been taught and developed theirs of success....
 - panjipandega October 5th, 2010