- Apr 26th 2024 01:55

About our Business

Lets use 50 people in the program as an example we will use Bob as the name of our new member: * Bob is NOT REFERRED BY YOU and joins the program and buys 5 positions for $150 * You also own 5 positions in our revenue share. * We share 97% of his $150 revenue share and advertising purchase with our current list of 50 * positions, of which you own 5. * So we are sharing $145.50 which equals $2.91 PER POSITION. * If you own 5 positions then your share of that purchase is $14.55. ALL FROM ONE NEW MEMBER THAT YOU DID NOT REFER!

Featured Products or Services


Hello, I would like to invite you to the new affiliate program I've developed. It's about promoting MP3 music, where the comission of each sale is 40%! Feel free to join:
 - megipromotion November 8th, 2010