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Jairo Cifuentes
Brisbane, Australia
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Be Your Own Boss!
Jun 23 2007 22:45
ARBONNE OFFERS YOU • Superior products • Generous compensation plan • Exceptional leadership What if there was a way to start a home-based business, just like more than 50 million households did last year, and participate in a $140 billion industry that allows you to: • Do something you already know how to do • Work alongside your main job until you've created a large enough secondary income • Blend family, friends and fun with work and income, allowing more time for both • Determine your daily activities; instead of someone else determining them for you • Begin with minimal start up expenses, unlike expensive franchises and other small businesses • Would you like to have more time and money for your family? • Do you value having creative control over your life and work? • Would you like to benefit from the advantages of owning your own business? • Do you care about others and want to make a positive difference contributing to people's lives? If any, or all, of the above are true for you, Arbonne might just be what you've been looking for. THREE WAYS TO WIN: 1. Client • Extraordinary skin care and colour products • Excellent customer service and convenient ordering • Product referrals and hosting a Presentation 2. Independent Consultant • Be your own boss — create the income you desire; cash bonuses, overrides and sales incentives • 35% product discount with telephone and online ordering • Upline support, training and achievement recognition 3. Business Builder • High income potential • Mercedes-Benz Cash Bonus program • Personal and financial freedom • Help others achieve their goals and dreams

The Secret Science of Getting Rich!
Jun 14 2007 21:39
Thanks to a Movie, the World is Waking Up to The Law Of Attraction... Bob Proctor's NEW Program is Your Next Step in Learning to Apply the Law of Attraction to Build the Ideal Life You Desire. The Law of Attraction reveals The Secret to Everything you've ever wanted... Ever since the world found out about the Law of Attraction through the phenomenon of the movie, people from every corner of the globe have been asking Bob Proctor for more.  You've seen the Movie, Now Live the Philosophy and Claim the Wealth the Universe Has Always Had Waiting for You. Millions of people are already using the Law of Attraction to make their lives successful. It is no longer a secret, but a household term that is rightfully being given the attention it deserves. You too can learn how to use the "Law of Attraction" to create whatever you want in life - be it money, love or happiness - and generate abundance. The Law of Attraction This is how Bob Proctor explains the Law of Attraction: We all work with one infinite power. We all guide ourselves by exactly the same laws. The natural laws of the universe are so precise that we don't have any difficulty building spaceships, we can send people to the moon and we can time the landing with the precision of a fraction of a second. Wherever you are - India, Australia, New Zealand, Stockholm, London, Toronto, Montreal, or New York - we're all working with one power. One law. It's the Law of Attraction! Everything that's coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it's attracted by virtue of the images you're holding in your mind. It's what you're thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you. How to Use the Law of Attraction in your favor: Let's take a good look at the results in your life. As you read these questions, make a mental note of the answers in your mind: What kind of relationships do you have? Are you in love? What are your friends like? How do you communicate with family members? What is your income? What is your business like? How about the health of your body? What do you THINK of your body? The thoughts you just thought . . . the answers that surfaced before you could stop them . . . are responsible for programming your current results! If you don't like the results in your life, you need to change your thoughts. That's ALL that the Law of Attraction is about. This is an orderly universe. Nothing happens by accident. The images you plant in your marvelous mind instantly set up an attractive force, which governs the results in your life. You are a living, breathing magnet. As you read this article.... Things ... Conditions ... Circumstances and People you know and even some you don't know are marching to you like obedient soldiers to aid in the manifestation of your images. Wouldn't you prefer those soldiers be helping you with your positive images? But If the Law of Attraction is as simple as that, why aren’t more people wealthy, even gratified about the state their lives are in? The Answer is a Simple One There is an Exact Science to Applying the Law of Attraction to Build the Life You Seek The science was first formulated by Wallace D. Wattles in the 1910s and then Napoleon Hill in the 1950s. TODAY Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield have taken this Science into a Whole New Era. Questions that Will be Answered How do I Decide What Path in Life is Best for Me? Are there truly no limitations to what I can seek? What is the EXACT Thought Process to Apply the Law? Where do Spirituality, Meditation and Religion come in? How do I apply this Law to Business? How does this Law work for Groups of People like Companies or Families? Are there Specific Ways to Accelerate What I'm Seeking to Manifest? How do I Give Back to the World? This is What You've Been Waiting For. Exact Instruction on How To Work with The Law of Attraction! All the Powers of the Universe are Already Ours, It is We Who Have Put Our Hands Before Our Eyes and Cry that it is Dark! ~ Vivekananda (1863 - 1902) "Law of Attraction Helped Me Achieve My Dream!" This is my dream, I always wanted to go to Italy and on a Mediterranean cruise. I always had that little voice in the back of my head saying that, "yea thats great but you will never be able to afford to go". After I watched the film, I realized that I had been attracting negativity during my life. I started making sure my thoughts were in order and that I was grateful for everything including what I hadn't received yet. So around 2 weeks ago, my husband decided to plan a cruise to the Mediterranean and we leave next week, without even knowing! I posted a message to my yahoo groups and one lady recommended a hotel in Rome, I went online last night and booked it! The LOA is working in my life and to those around me! So what was a dream as early as 3 weeks ago, and at one time never thought would ever happen is now a reality!! So now I am excited for what is to come now that I am an affiliate!! ~ Lisa Ladrido, Washington "Being Grateful, Thinking Positive & Feeling Good is Our Way of Life!" Blessing everyone, First it was What The Bleep then came The Secret and made it easier to understand! For about a last year, me and my wife have been studying The Law of Attraction and to no surprise someone asked me to partner with them to open a company with them. I had to put no money out of my pocket and I have 50% ownership. In addition with the constant monitoring of our thoughts and meditation, our raising of our 3 month old son Kai has been a blessing. The more we concentrate on his consciousness and ours, the more relax and aware he becomes. Our doctor said he is developing twice as fast then normal children do. In addition, I have past this knowledge to all my friends and family and all of them have seen a swift of in all aspect of their lives. Being grateful, thinking positive and feeling good is our way of life now. I am super grateful The Secret came to my family. Pedro, Taharaa & Kai ~ Pedro Barreto, Satellite Beach Begin today to replace what you don't want by Attracting what you DO WANT. Read closely, to receive step-by-step instructions showing you how to begin applying the Law of Attraction in your daily life -- How to move beyond the theory into action. Click Below to Listen Now to Bob Proctor, the World's #1 Coach on the Science of Getting Rich -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are You Attracting or Resisting Wealth from Entering Your Life? Do You Need The Science of Getting Rich in Your Life? Try this quick exercise. Check the Boxes that Apply to You: I desire more abundance in my life. I'd like to be earning a far greater income. I want to provide more for my family. I sometimes worry about money. I work hard, but don't see the income I desire. There are many things in life I want, but cannot afford. Without my current job, I have no other streams of income. Now Imagine If... Imagine if You could then use Your mind to manifest these decisions - without wavering - because it's crystal clear where you need to be and what you need to do. Imagine if You could Create this Life of Your Dreams. Imagine thousands of lives benefiting from your new creation - whether it's a book, a work of art, or a business. Imagine creating jobs, changing lives, creating products that benefit humanity. Imagine being a shining light - a bringer of wisdom and enlightenment to your community. How would your family benefit? Whom would you influence? What would you seek to change about this world? How will you be remembered when you pass on? Whom will you teach? Or the biggest question of all - What will be your mark on humanity? "Gone to a whole new level of success" The Law of Attraction was so transformative, created such an immediate shift in perspective and helped me to understand my own power. I have gone to a whole new level of success with this and am so excited about receiving my SGR Seminar and sharing it with as many people as possible. The market is HUGE and the potential to help people is hard to even understand at first. I urge you to go for it too! ~ Marcia Tutora, Phoenix, AZ It's Not About Money - It's About Gaining the Freedom to Become The REAL You. Remember, the Law of Attraction implies that anything is within your field of possibility if you desire it strongly, believe in it, and take action towards it. If you had a genie ready to grant your wishes, would you ask for something small? Say a new bicycle? No. You'd be asking for bigger things. A business, a soul mate, glorious health, glorious wealth. The Law of Attraction is like a genie. So don't squander your potential on small things. Now here's why it's important to think big. There is so much that can be improved in the world. There is much more you can contribute. But you cannot do this by being mediocre. Bob Proctor has studied The Law of Attraction for many years and one of the things he has learned was that the Law of Attraction works best for you and you can ask for something that will not just benefit you, but others too. Setting a goal of getting a $1,000 raise is a small goal. There's not much you can do to benefit the world with that extra $1,000 per month. But setting a goal to run your own business and earn $50,000 a month is a good goal. With that money you can not only create a good life for your family, but also donate money to your favorite charities or fund neighborhood projects. You owe it not just to yourself - but also to the world - to THINK BIG. The Law of Attraction as explained in The Secret, and even in much greater detail in The Science of Getting Rich Program, will teach you whatever it is that you may want or need in your life. Money on its own is neither good nor bad. It is a means to an end.

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