SERVANT'S HEART - Jun 2nd 2024 07:31

About our Business

My primary business is Immunotec Ltd.

How is your glutathione?  Never heard of it?  Didn't know you had it?  Then you probably don't know that the lower your glutathione (GSH) level the less healthy you are and if you are not sick already, you very well soon could be.

You see, every cell in your body produces it's own glutathione - without it they die.  Because of our GMO foods, the depleted soil conditions, the over-processing etc., our bodies don't get the bioactive foods it needs to  maintain a healthy level of glutathione.

Immunocal (HM S90 in Canada) provides our bodies with the precursors it needs to manufacture glutathione (GSH). 

With ove 20 years of research behind it and thousands of peer reviewed articles in the leading medical journals, this proven, patented product is helping and has helped thousands of people gain back their health even after doctors have told them there is nothing more they could do.

Immunotec Ltd. now also has a line of other well researched, high quality products including a Montmorency Tart Cherry Juice that is second to none.  Our vitamins are very unique and of the highest quality. 

To learn more, please check out my website.

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