Member's Profile

Jackie Lee
Kansas, United States
An over achiever who is willing to continue to grow and learn from other professionals. View Profile

Business Industry

  • Shopping & Reviews
  • Marketing
  • Internet & eBusiness
  • Finance


My Power Mall
Oct 3 2007 22:14
MY Power MallA FREE Personal Shopping Rebate System This is NOT an affiliate or MLM program -- IT's a completely new, revolutionary way to generate income through a perfect system of harnessing the power of online spending It's the MY POWER MALL system It's absolutely FREE - you are never asked for money There's NOTHING TO SELL - all you do is shop in any one of the 1000 stores on your own personal mall There is NO QUALIFYING to receive your income.  When you generate money on your mall - It's yours. Pretty simple. There are NO MEETINGS OR TRAINING. Everybody already knows how to shop! ALL TOOLS ARE FREE! We give you everything you need. This is YOUR PERSONAL INVITATION to Join the Revolution! Visit

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