About our Business

 Ever wondered how you could provide for a better future and have a raincoat just in case there is no umbrella in sight.  Think about that statement for a moment.  Imagine being caught up in a thunder storm, lightning coming out of the sky faster than the speed of light without any warning.  Well, how do you prepare for this kind of situation.  You don't. Your hands are filled with files from the office meeting and you can't take a lunch break,the phone lines are busy, and the very important package is being delivered by an underpaid courier.  Stop, wait a minute.  If the package is late there will be total chaos in the board meeting. The sales presentation should have already been reviewed by now and the powerpoint presentation is useless .  How are you going to make numbers this month with all this going on.  Take yourself out of this picture and transplant your pose right into one of a calmer environment with everything running smoothly.  Your package arrived ahead of time, the powerpoint presentation presents the overall scheme of the company's perspective and you've just made enough sales in one month to support your family for a year or two.  How's that for a change.  STEP IT UP NOW!!!. 

Take a look at the opportunities presented on this site.  Using proven marketing techniques either one or all of these opportunities combined will generate the income needed to live life more passionately.





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IAHBE Newsletter
Sep 28 2007 19:26

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