Emu Oil Naturally - Apr 29th 2024 11:35

About our Business

Emu Oil Naturally is an online web store offering all natural Emu Oil based products for the whole family. Never heard of Emu Oil? That's okay most of the Western world hasn't. But that doesn't mean it isn't a fantastic product! All the products I sell are based on really one product, 100% pure American Emu Association (AEA) Emu Oil. Here's a bit about this great product and what it can do for you.

Emu Oil is a healthy complex oil which is highly emollient in addition to several other beneficial inherent natural properties such as: 1. anti-bacterial, 2.anti-inflammatory, 3. hypo-allergenic, 4.non-comedogenic (does not clog pores), and 5. anti-fungal to name a few.

Pure Emu Oil is valuable in treating active acne as well as helping with post acne scars. It can be used by anyone, young or older, who has skin problems while costing much less than prescriptions without any side effects. It is an excellent product for use with all types of rashes and burns, including sunburn, windburn, even radiation burns. Emu oil can help heal diaper rash as well as protect a baby's tender skin. It is great for bothersome athlete's foot and other fungus and bacterial infections.

Our Emu Oil is fragrance free and has the allergic reaction of water! Remember to use only a little at a time as Emu Oil is highly concentrated. Repeated use will not harm anyone.

Come on over to Emu Oil Naturally http://www.emuoilnaturally.com any time. See you there!

Emu Oil Naturally has also branched out into another area of natural goodness---Whole Food! Many of the products in stores today are so over processed, the basic nutrients in the food grown is gone---which is why so many products you see have ADDED vitamins & minerals in them, the processing took them out! With the Whole Food Farmacy, you get all the nutrients of the food because the process is limited to just the basics without destroying the goodness. Added to that, there are no preservatives, additives, coloring, or anything artificial in any of the products. Perfect for those looking for a healthier way to eat, those wanting to get off the junk food merry-go-round and especially good for people who are highly allergic to various foods. Usually people who opt to not eat foods with preservatives and additives find they CAN eat a lot of foods they couldn't before---if they are raw, fresh & not overly processed.

If you're interested in healthy food, here's the link to check it out

http://www.emuoilnaturally.wholefoodfarmacy.com on what our products are, how you can benefit from them personally, and even sign up to start earning money helping people get GOOD food!

There is also a page on Emu Oil Naturally you can connect to the Whole Food Farmacy at   http://emuoilnaturally.com/wholefoodfarmacy.html

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Lorraine Lake
Carson City, United States
An over achiever who is willing to continue to grow and learn from other professionals. View Profile

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