About our Business

Media Classics LTD is a U.K. independent production company created to write and to develop scripts inspired by great classic films. Media Classics captures the "story behind the story" beyond the superficial glamour of Hollywood by delving deep into the lives of some of the world's most loved film stars.


"Vivian" is our first feature film in development about the life of the classic movie star, Vivien Leigh of "Gone With the Wind" and "A Streetcar Named Desire" fame, who struggled with manic-depression, tuberculosis and was married to Sir Laurence Olivier.

Our project has attracted interest by Hugo Vickers who wrote the definitive biography of the star, and was the adviser on the award-winning film, "The King's Speech." Mr. Vicker's book has been optioned for the film and he intends to become the adviser for it.

"Vivian" is being considered by both a 2010 Academy, BAFTA & SAG award-winning film production company, and one established by an Academy and BAFTA award-winning producer. Both are located in the U.K.

Executive producers, A-List and B-List talent agents, and production studios may contact VO@mediaclassics.co.uk.

Investors may contact Barbara Purchase at BP@mediaclassics.co.uk.


"Thorn Trees" is a historical-based drama set in the 17th century. In development.

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We are grateful for any support!

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Member's Profile

Valerie Michele Oliver
Greater NYC Area, United States
Someone with goals and a strong desire to follow through. They are always continuously working towards their goals. View Profile

Business Industry

  • Music
  • Internet & eBusiness
  • Entertainment
  • Spirituality
  • Writing & Speaking
