Church Pastor Renown Public School Teacher and Firefighter Dr. F.V. Beckles Jr. - Jun 15th 2024 08:40

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Christian Alexander Beckles, age 8; also an aspiring child actor, is the son of Dr. Franklyn Victor Beckles, Jr. Hollywood Celebrity Actor and Biographer Rev. Dr. Frank Beckles Famous Book Author, Psychologist, and Journalist. Devil Ball Golf Sun Dec 13, 2009 12:57 pm EST Tiger Woods in the news: tabloid revelations and blind eyes By Magazine Publisher and Article Writer, Dr. Frank Beckles. As we wind down from TigerCrashGate -- yes, it's true, we're almost done, at least until he returns to the course -- it's worth taking a look at the way that this story spiraled from one-car hydrant-bump to worldwide scandal, one whose cost will eventually be measured in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Here's the key question to all of this: did we need to know about Tiger Woods' secret, off-the-course life? Many argue that this is an unforgivable invasion of a family's privacy, that we're interested in Tiger Woods as a golfer, not as a family man. As long as he keeps sinking long putts on Sunday afternoons, who cares what he does later that evening? But that just-golf-it mindset doesn't account for the fact that Woods is not "just a golfer," he's the public face of an entire corporation. What he does on his own time is not his own business, not when his actions can do financial harm to those who have invested hundreds of millions in his image. That financial impact, not the "more mistresses or more majors?" question, is the real story here. Still, the reason why this scandal exploded the way it did is because Woods' secret dealings were allowed to continue unabated, whether intentionally or unintentionally. The more Woods got away with his misdeeds, the bolder -- and stupider -- he got. (Leaving your name on a voicemail? Sending texts from your own phone? Really, Tiger?) Part of this is surely because of the coverage bubble that Woods enjoyed for all of his career, a bubble that was born fully formed in Gary Smith's absurdly over-the-top introduction/sanctification of Woods in a legendary 1996 Sports Illustrated article entitled "The Chosen One." The see-no-evil approach to Tiger then dominated the golf media for more than a decade, partly because everyone was so in awe of Woods, and partly because Woods would cut off any access to any media outlet daring to poke around the edges of the mystique. Did Tiger Woods have everyone fooled? Did the golf media know about Tiger's affairs and cover them up? Did everyone just happen to look the other way at the proper time? Those are questions that each media member will have to answer for him- or herself, but here's one huge clue: there are several golf media members who have not written a single word about this, the biggest story to hit golf in decades. Why? Well, you'd have to ask them, but it's a fair bet that they're setting themselves up as good guys when Tiger eventually does return. ("See, Tiger? All those other guys piled on, but I didn't! I'm still your pal!") On the flip side, credit longtime golf writers like Steve Elling who actually did call out Woods, knowing full well that they'll find that next one-on-one interview that much tougher -- if not impossible -- to secure. Many in the golf media got completely outplayed on this story because of their insistence that it was no golf story at all, it was nothing but celebrity garbage, tawdry trash-digging that was beneath them. And again, if it was nothing but the personal affairs of a private family, that would be true. But Tiger's absence from the tour is going to cost people and corporations hundreds of millions of dollars and fundamentally alter the game of golf for the short term -- so, yeah, that very much is a golf story. Journalists who complain that the tabloids were setting the agenda in this story should have been practicing a little shoe-leather journalism themselves. After the initial revelation on the day before Thanksgiving that Rachel Uchitel was somehow involved with Woods, it was a blogger, Ryan Ballengee of Waggle Room, who trumped the mainstream media and first contacted her. In the absence of comments from Team Tiger, the tabloids filled in the gaps, and despite their "bat boy/UFO abduction" rep, were on the whole more accurate than not. (Tiger's admission of "infidelities" plural is a testament to that.) There were some notable missteps on the tabloids' part. The story about Elin Woods moving out proved to be completely groundless, even though many outlets picked it up and ran with it. (We decided not to here because of the flimsiness of the sources.) More significantly, the Life & Style story about two professional golfers calling out Woods turned out to be an utter falsehood; we had decided to mention it here because there was on-the-record attribution, not "unnamed sources." Surely, we figured, no magazine would be foolish enough to print actual names without verifying. Wrong. Lesson learned -- and that's an aspect of this story that deserves further scrutiny. This is not to defend the tabloids' approach to celebrity -- they look at stars the way that the rest of us look at a Thanksgiving turkey right out of the oven -- but their dogged method of running down a story does indeed have its merits. (Paying interview subjects is not one of them, nor is publishing articles without bylines.) Still, if other journalists were similarly unconcerned about their future access to their subjects, they'd be able to uncover some secrets on topics more important than celebrities' sex lives. For now, though, the Tiger story has reached a natural stopping point. We can take some time over the holidays to breathe deep, stop wondering about how many more mistresses will come out of the woodwork, and -- thank you, heaven -- stop hearing lame Tiger jokes. The old Tiger Woods is gone. The new one -- well, we haven't met him yet. But he won't be on the same celebrity-worship pedestal as the old guy ... and, all in all, that's probably for the best. ______ For further updates and other golf news, click here to bookmark Yahoo! Sports' Devil Ball Golf and follow us on Twitter. Click here to access all our stories on the Tiger Woods controversy. Mickey Rourke stars as Whiplash in Paramount Pictures' Iron Man 2 - 2010. Clinical Psychologist School Counselor and Pharmacist Dr. Frank BecklesApsense Business Center (A.B.C)Home Products & Services Testimonials Affiliates Business Network Contact Member's Profile Rev. Dr. Franklyn Beckles Jr. View Profile Business Industry Society & Lifestyle Internet Health & Fitness Education Books & Arts, Crafts Interest Groups Why are so many men in this Country suffering from Stress? 1 members If you have High Bllod Pressure You are not Alone 1 members Church Ministry and Mentorship for Men 2 members Resources Pro-Athlete, Pastor, Movie Actor Dr. Frank Beckles Add Your Link All Links... Additional Info. Generalized Anxiety Disorder ? What Is It? ? Symptoms ? Diagnosis ? Expected Duration ? Prevention ? Treatment ? When To Call A Professional ? Prognosis ? Additional Info What Is It? In generalized anxiety disorder, a person has persistent, nagging feelings of worry or anxiety. These feelings are either unusually intense or out of proportion to the real troubles and dangers of the person's everyday life. The disorder is defined as persistent worry every day or almost every day, for six months or more. In some cases, a person with generalized anxiety disorder feels he or she has always been a worrier, even since childhood or adolescence. In other cases, the anxiety may be triggered by a crisis or a period of stress, such as a job loss, a family illness or the death of a relative. Although the crisis eventually goes away and the stress passes, an unexplained feeing of anxiety may last months or years. In addition to suffering from nagging worries and anxieties, people with generalized anxiety disorder can have physical and psychological symptoms. The physical symptoms may lead them to seek treatment from a primary care doctor, cardiologist, pulmonary specialist or gastroenterologist. Stress also can intensify the anxiety or lead to a phobia, such as a fear of dogs, driving a car or attending a party. People with generalized anxiety disorder may have low self-esteem or may feel insecure, because they interpret people's intentions or events in negative, intimidating or critical ways. The exact cause of generalized anxiety disorder remains a mystery, but some people have a genetic (inherited) tendency to develop the problem. The disorder probably stems from a disturbance in brain circuits that control the fear response. One of these structures is the amygdala, a structure deep in the brain that receives information about environmental threats, appraises their significance, and coordinates an effective response. Another part of the brain called the frontal cortex, which is responsible for judgment and planning, is also part of the anxiety response. The chemical messengers, gamma aminobutyric acid and serotonin, transmit signals along those circuits. About 3% to 8% of people in the United States have generalized anxiety disorder. Women have the problem twice as often as men. The average adult patient first seeks medical attention between the ages of 20 and 30. However, the illness can occur at any age. Generalized anxiety disorder also has been diagnosed in young children, teenagers and elderly people. The illness is the most common anxiety disorder affecting people age 65 and older. Of all psychiatric illnesses, generalized anxiety disorder is the least likely to occur alone. Between 50% and 90% of people with the disorder also have at least one other problem, usually panic disorder, a phobia, depression, dysthymia (a less severe form of depression), alcoholism or some other form of substance abuse. Symptoms In generalized anxiety disorder, the person has persistent worry or anxiety that lasts for at least six months. This worry or anxiety is excessive, troubling and hard to control, and it often interferes with a person's ability to function at home, at work or in social situations. To be diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, a person has to have at least three of the following symptoms: Feeling restless or keyed up Becoming tired very easily Having difficulty concentrating or remembering (your mind goes blank) Feeling irritable, crabby or grouchy Having tense muscles Having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or not feeling rested after sleep People with generalized anxiety disorder also may have a wide range of anxiety-related physical symptoms that may seem like symptoms of heart disease, respiratory illness, digestive diseases and other medical illnesses. These symptoms can include: Chest pains, palpitations, abnormally rapid pulse, abnormally rapid breathing, shortness of breath, a smothering sensation Abdominal pains, abdominal gas, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, frequent urination Abnormal or irregular menstrual bleeding Problems in sexual function Tingling in the arms and legs, chills, sweating, hot flashes, itching skin Diagnosis You may consult a primary care doctor first if you suspect your physical symptoms are part of a medical illness. Your doctor may do tests to check for medical problems. If the results are normal, your doctor may ask about your family history, your history of any mental distress, current anxieties, recent stresses, and daily use of prescription and nonprescription drugs. Some drugs can cause anxiety symptoms. The doctor then may refer you to a psychiatrist for care. Your psychiatrist will diagnose generalized anxiety disorder based on a full psychiatric evaluation that includes: Asking you to describe your worries, anxieties and anxiety-related symptoms Determining how long you have had these symptoms Assessing how worry and anxiety have affected your ability to function normally at home, at work and socially Checking for symptoms of other forms of psychiatric illness that might be present at the same time as generalized anxiety disorder The psychiatrist also may order diagnostic tests, if necessary, to check for a medical illness. These won't be needed if they already have been done by the doctor who referred you to the psychiatrist. Expected Duration By definition, symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder last for at least six months. If untreated, the condition can last longer, with symptoms occurring over many years. Prevention There is no way to prevent generalized anxiety disorder. However, if you have already been diagnosed, you may be able to decrease your anxiety level by cutting down on caffeine, alcohol or other substances that might be triggering your symptoms. Treatment If you have generalized anxiety disorder, your doctor probably will treat you with a combination of medications and psychotherapy. Three classes of medications typically are prescribed to treat generalized anxiety disorder: Benzodiazepines Examples are clonazepam (Klonopin), lorazepam (Ativan), diazepam (Valium) and alprazolam (Xanax). They are very safe and often bring quick relief from the symptoms of anxiety. They may be used only during the first weeks of treatment while waiting for other medications, such as antidepressants, to start working. In some people, the medication eventually stops working because the body becomes accustomed to it. This is called tolerance. If you need to stop taking these drugs, it should be done gradually under a doctor's direction, because withdrawal reactions can occur. Antidepressants These are the main treatment, especially when anxiety is long lasting or when of the person also has depression. The drugs used to treat generalized anxiety disorder include the popular selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft) and paroxetine (Paxil), and the tricyclic antidepressants, such as nortriptyline (Aventyl, Pamelor) and imipramine (Tofranil). They take several weeks to work, so a benzodiazepine often is prescribed to give relief during that time. Buspirone (BuSpar) Buspirone is an antianxiety drug that can be effective for generalized anxiety disorder. However, it is used much less frequently than the drugs listed above. Like antidepressants, it usually takes two to three weeks to begin working. Psychotherapy A number of psychotherapy techniques may be helpful. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps you recognize the unreasonableness of fearful thinking and teaches you techniques for controlling your symptoms. Psychodynamic, insight-oriented or interpersonal psychotherapy can help you sort out conflicts in important relationships or explore the history behind the symptoms. Two specialized approaches for the treatment of anxiety are: Applied relaxation This method teaches people with generalized anxiety disorder to control their symptoms by using imagination and muscle control. Relaxation techniques, such as diaphragmatic breathing, meditation and visualization, can relieve some of the more bothersome physical symptoms. Biofeedback This form of therapy uses special sensors attached to the skin to teach people with generalized anxiety disorder to recognize anxiety-related changes in their physiological functions, such as pulse, skin temperature and muscle tone. With time and practice, they learn to modify these anxiety-related changes and to control the effect of anxiety on the entire body. When To Call A Professional See your doctor if you are troubled by severe worry or anxiety, especially if: Your anxious feelings have lasted for several months. You feel that you can no longer control your anxious feelings, and this makes you feel helpless or frightened. Your constant anxiety is interfering with your personal relationships or with your ability to function normally at home, at school or at work. You are having difficulty concentrating or remembering. You are having trouble sleeping. You have unexplained physical symptoms that may be anxiety-related. Prognosis In general, the outlook is good. With appropriate treatment, about 50% of patients improve within 3 weeks of starting treatment, and 77% improve within 9 months. and /family2/ no 706-793-3599 Food Programs for Home Daycare Facility 202-986-2200 404-656-5957 Rev. Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. Faith Based Grants P.O. Box 682257 Orlando, Florida Dr. Franklin Frisby Bright From From The Start 404-657-5562 Directors The Children?s Christian Center 3725 Old McDuffie Rd. Augusta, GA 30906 706-267-3051 Director/Principal: Rev. Dr. Franklyn Victor Beckles, Jr. Manger: Mrs. Adrian Beckles Est. in 2009 BROCHURE ?IMAGINE THE PERFECT DAY FOR YOUR CHILD & TOTAL PEACE OF MIND FOR YOU..? AS A PARENT, YOU WANT YOUR CHILD TO SPEND THE DAY WITH SOMEONE YOU TRUST AND SOMEONE WHO REALLY CARES- SOMEONE WHO RECOGNIZES THE DEMANDS YOU FACE AS A BUSY, LOVING PARENT. YOU AND YOUR CHILD DESERVE THE BEST FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS. THE CHILDREN?S CHRISTIAN CENTER MEETS THIS CHALLENGE WITH ENTHUSIASM AND THE KNOWLEDGE THAT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING WE CAN DO IS FULLY PARTICIPATE IN YOUR CHILD?S HAPPINESS, GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. JUST WHAT PARENTS ARE LOOKING FOR? WE OFFER PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN SIX WEEKS THROUGH TWELVE YEARS OLD OUR ABILITY TO OFFER THIS CONTINUITY OF CARE PROVIDES YOUR CHILD WITH THE SENSE OF SECURITY THAT COMES FROM LONG TERM RELATIONSHIPS. THE CURRICULUM IS DIVIDED INTO CHRISTIAN-EDUCATIONAL THEMATIC UNITS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR WHICH ARE AGE APPROPRIATE. ACTIVITIES ARE PLANNED FOR EACH AGE GROUP TO STIMULATE CREATIVITY, ENCOURAGE INDIVIDUAL THINKING, HELP DEVELOP LISTENING AND LEARNING SKILLS, MOTOR SKILLS, BIBLE READING SKILLS, AND SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL GROWTH. COMMUNICATING WITH PARENTS WE KNOW IT?S NEVER EASY BEING AWAY FROM YOUR CHILD. OUR CONSISTENT TEACHER COMMUNICATIONS AND DAILY WRITTEN REPORTS KEEP YOU INVOLVED IN YOUR CHILD?S PROGRESS. POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT THE CHILDREN?S CHRISTIAN CENTER TEACHERS KNOW THAT A POSITIVE APPROACH IS THE BEST APPROACH. USING ENCOURAGEMENT CREATES A CONFIDENT ATTITUDE TOWARD LEARNING AND BUILDS A CHILD?S SELF-ESTEEM. AT THE CHILDREN?S CHRISTIAN CENTER, LEARNING IS A HAPPY, REWARDING EXPERIENCE FOR YOUR CHILD, THE TEACHER AND YOU, THE PARENT. PARENTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME WE KNOW THAT YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR CHILD. AT THE CHILDREN?S CHRISTAIN CENTER, WE ALSO WANT THE BEST FOR PARENTS. OUR OPEN DOOR POLICY AND CLOSED CIRCUIT MONITORING ALLOWS YOU TO REGULARLY VISIT YOUR CHILD IN THE CLASSROOM AS WELL AS EXPERIENCE FOR YOURSELF AN ENVIRONMENT FULL OF AFFECTION, LEARNING, SAFETY AND SECURITY. WE LOOK FORWARD TO PERSONALLY MEETING YOU AND YOUR CHILD AND PROVIDING THE PEACE OF MIND YOU?VE BEEN LOOKING FOR. CHILDREN SHOULD BE HUGGED FIRST, THEN TAUGHT. AT THE CHILDREN?S CHRISTIAN CENTER, WE ARE DEDICATED TO PROVIDEING QUALITY, LOVING CARE FOR YOUR CHILD, AND OPEN COMMUNICATION AND INVOLVEMENT FOR YOU. The Children?s Christian Center 3725 Old McDuffie Rd. Augusta, GA 30906 Who I'd like to meet: The Children?s Christian Center 3725 Old McDuffie Rd. Augusta, GA 30906 Director/Principal: Rev. Dr. Franklyn Victor Beckles, Jr. Manger: Mrs. Adrian Beckles Est. in 2009 MISSION STATEMENT The Sons for Christ Church of God Ministries, is a private nonprofit Christian organization which operates The Children?s Christian Learning Center . The daycare program provides quality childcare services, for preschool children, working & busy families, staff, and the people of Richmond and Columbia Counties. Acting as a catalyst for quality childcare in the low-income community to identify poverty-related and human rights problems and to provide daycare resources and christian services to address and aide busy, working parents. Providing flexible, reasonable payment plans, that fits almost any low budget. VISION STATEMENT The Children?s Christian Learning Center , will be an faith-based Ministry & Christian Academy , whose efforts and quality of childcare, bible study, and education will continue to improve while achieving excellence, and serving every eligible child and family, who desires fair, honest, and moral statues to fulfill their child?s educational needs. Director?s Background/Birth of The Children?s Christian Center : Dr. Beckles, Jr., and father, Mr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Sr. Both established the first African-American Private School in Aiken, SC. That took in, and educated students from South Carolina to Georgia , who were kick out of public schools, because of racism or behavior problems. They became so successful, that they graduated in nine years, over 567, 000 High School Students, and helped place them in jobs, and colleges; no one in the C.S.R.A (the Central Savannah Regional Area/Georgia-Carolina) thought that they would accomplish. Mr. Beckles, Sr., had long since retired in 2003, but his son has, despite all odds and opposition; carried on the legacy of C.A. I Academy. He relocated, to Augusta GA. Where the school & college drop out rate are doubled! And he re-established a new private school, to educate, and take care of the children of single mothers, and working women, who desperately need a daycare system, that fits their busy work schedules. Dr. Beckles, Jr., has been respectfully teaching and educating children in need, since 1991. And is a renown Public & Private School Teacher, he is an ordained Minister, and Pastor of a small family church, and he has a Doctorate Degree in Theology. About me: GOD IS MY EVERYTHING "GOD IS MY EVERYTHING HE'S MY JOY IN SORROW HE'S MY HOPE FOR TOMORROW ROCK IN A WEARY LAND A SHIELD IN TIME OF STORM GOD IS, GOD IS GOD IS MY EVERYTHING." The Children?s Christian Center 3725 Old McDuffie Rd. Augusta, GA 30906 706-267-3051 Director/Principal: Rev. Dr. Franklyn Victor Beckles, Jr. Manger: Mrs. Adrian Beckles Est. in 2009 BROCHURE Dr. Beckles, Jr., and father, Mr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Sr. Both established the first African-American Private School in Aiken, SC. That took in, and educated students from South Carolina to Georgia , who were kick out of public schools, because of racism or behavior problems. They became so successful, that they graduated in nine years, over 567, 000 High School Students, and helped place them in jobs, and colleges; no one in the C.S.R.A (the Central Savannah Regional Area/Georgia-Carolina) thought that they would accomplish. Mr. Beckles, Sr., had long since retired in 2003, but his son has, despite all odds and opposition; carried on the legacy of C.A. I Academy. He relocated, to Augusta GA. Where the school & college drop out rate are doubled! And he re-established a new private school, to educate, and take care of the children of single mothers, and working women, who desperately need a daycare system, that fits their busy work schedules. Dr. Beckles, Jr., has been respectfully teaching and educating children in need, since 1991. And is a renown Public & Private School Teacher, he is an ordained Minister, and Pastor of a small family church, and he has a Doctorate Degree in Theology. TO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED "I'M TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED FOR THE LORD WON'T PUT MORE ON ME THAN I CAN BEAR I'M TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED I WOKE UP EARLY ONE MORNING MY PILLOW WET WITH TEARS WHEN I THOUGHT ABOUT HOW GOOD THE LORD HAS BEEN BY MY SIDE DOWN THROUGH THE YEARS HALLELUJAH PEOPLE THE DEVIL WON'T SHAKE ME NOR BREAK ME OUR OF MY SPIRITUALNESS FOR I'M GROUNDED, CONNECTED, WELL ROUNDED AND PROTECTED I'M TO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED, HALLELUJAH." Who I'd like to meet: The Children?s Christian Center 3725 Old McDuffie Rd. Augusta, GA 30906 706-267-3051 Director/Principal: Rev. Dr. Franklyn Victor Beckles, Jr. Manger: Mrs. Adrian Beckles Est. in 2009 BROCHURE ?IMAGINE THE PERFECT DAY FOR YOUR CHILD & TOTAL PEACE OF MIND FOR YOU..? AS A PARENT, YOU WANT YOUR CHILD TO SPEND THE DAY WITH SOMEONE YOU TRUST AND SOMEONE WHO REALLY CARES- SOMEONE WHO RECOGNIZES THE DEMANDS YOU FACE AS A BUSY, LOVING PARENT. YOU AND YOUR CHILD DESERVE THE BEST FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS. THE CHILDREN?S CHRISTIAN CENTER MEETS THIS CHALLENGE WITH ENTHUSIASM AND THE KNOWLEDGE THAT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING WE CAN DO IS FULLY PARTICIPATE IN YOUR CHILD?S HAPPINESS, GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. JUST WHAT PARENTS ARE LOOKING FOR? WE OFFER PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN SIX WEEKS THROUGH TWELVE YEARS OLD OUR ABILITY TO OFFER THIS CONTINUITY OF CARE PROVIDES YOUR CHILD WITH THE SENSE OF SECURITY THAT COMES FROM LONG TERM RELATIONSHIPS. THE CURRICULUM IS DIVIDED INTO CHRISTIAN-EDUCATIONAL THEMATIC UNITS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR WHICH ARE AGE APPROPRIATE. ACTIVITIES ARE PLANNED FOR EACH AGE GROUP TO STIMULATE CREATIVITY, ENCOURAGE INDIVIDUAL THINKING, HELP DEVELOP LISTENING AND LEARNING SKILLS, MOTOR SKILLS, BIBLE READING SKILLS, AND SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL GROWTH. COMMUNICATING WITH PARENTS WE KNOW IT?S NEVER EASY BEING AWAY FROM YOUR CHILD. OUR CONSISTENT TEACHER COMMUNICATIONS AND DAILY WRITTEN REPORTS KEEP YOU INVOLVED IN YOUR CHILD?S PROGRESS. POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT THE CHILDREN?S CHRISTIAN CENTER TEACHERS KNOW THAT A POSITIVE APPROACH IS THE BEST APPROACH. USING ENCOURAGEMENT CREATES A CONFIDENT ATTITUDE TOWARD LEARNING AND BUILDS A CHILD?S SELF-ESTEEM. AT THE CHILDREN?S CHRISTIAN CENTER, LEARNING IS A HAPPY, REWARDING EXPERIENCE FOR YOUR CHILD, THE TEACHER AND YOU, THE PARENT. PARENTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME WE KNOW THAT YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR CHILD. AT THE CHILDREN?S CHRISTAIN CENTER, WE ALSO WANT THE BEST FOR PARENTS. OUR OPEN DOOR POLICY AND CLOSED CIRCUIT MONITORING ALLOWS YOU TO REGULARLY VISIT YOUR CHILD IN THE CLASSROOM AS WELL AS EXPERIENCE FOR YOURSELF AN ENVIRONMENT FULL OF AFFECTION, LEARNING, SAFETY AND SECURITY. WE LOOK FORWARD TO PERSONALLY MEETING YOU AND YOUR CHILD AND PROVIDING THE PEACE OF MIND YOU?VE BEEN LOOKING FOR. CHILDREN SHOULD BE HUGGED FIRST, THEN TAUGHT. AT THE CHILDREN?S CHRISTIAN CENTER, WE ARE DEDICATED TO PROVIDEING QUALITY, LOVING CARE FOR YOUR CHILD, AND OPEN COMMUNICATION AND INVOLVEMENT FOR YOU. The Children?s Christian Center 3725 Old McDuffie Rd. Augusta, GA 30906 The Children?s Christian Center 3725 Old McDuffie Rd. Augusta, GA 30906 Director/Principal: Rev. Dr. Franklyn Victor Beckles, Jr. Manger: Mrs. Adrian Beckles Est. in 2009 MISSION STATEMENT The Sons for Christ Church of God Ministries, is a private nonprofit Christian organization which operates The Children?s Christian Learning Center . The daycare program provides quality childcare services, for preschool children, working & busy families, staff, and the people of Richmond and Columbia Counties. Acting as a catalyst for quality childcare in the low-income community to identify poverty-related and human rights problems and to provide daycare resources and christian services to address and aide busy, working parents. Providing flexible, reasonable payment plans, that fits almost any low budget. VISION STATEMENT The Children?s Christian Learning Center , will be an faith-based Ministry & Christian Academy , whose efforts and quality of childcare, bible study, and education will continue to improve while achieving excellence, and serving every eligible child and family, who desires fair, honest, and moral statues to fulfill their child?s educational needs. Director?s Background/Birth of The Children?s Christian Center : Dr. Beckles, Jr., and father, Mr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Sr. Both established the first African-American Private School in Aiken, SC. That took in, and educated students from South Carolina to Georgia , who were kick out of public schools, because of racism or behavior problems. They became so successful, that they graduated in nine years, over 567, 000 High School Students, and helped place them in jobs, and colleges; no one in the C.S.R.A (the Central Savannah Regional Area/Georgia-Carolina) thought that they would accomplish. Mr. Beckles, Sr., had long since retired in 2003, but his son has, despite all odds and opposition; carried on the legacy of C.A. I Academy. He relocated, to Augusta GA. Where the school & college drop out rate are doubled! And he re-established a new private school, to educate, and take care of the children of single mothers, and working women, who desperately need a daycare system, that fits their busy work schedules. Dr. Beckles, Jr., has been respectfully teaching and educating children in need, since 1991. And is a renown Public & Private School Teacher, he is an ordained Minister, and Pastor of a small family church, and he has a Doctorate Degree in Theology. THE CHILDREN?S CHRISTIAN CENTER THE DAYCARE FACILITY WHERE CHILDREN AND PARENTS CAN FIND PEACE, EDUCATION, AND LOVE IN A CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT COME AND JOIN US 3725 OLD MCDUFFIE RD AUGUSTA, GA 30906 CALL Dr. frank and Adrian Beckles (706) 589-6793 P.S. FIRST TWO APPLICANTS GET FIRST WEEK FREE!!!!!! To sign up for Facebook, follow the link below: weddingTuesday, February 3, 2009 2:18 AM From: "" Add sender to ContactsTo: frankbeckles@rocketmail.com A Pastor who Manages a Christian Daycare- Reaching out to Underprivilage Children & The Homeless, and Impacting The Community in way that hasn't been done before..A Story about Renown Church Pastor- Rev. Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. and his Christian Daycare, how they are doing big things in Augusta. First, being the only affordable daycare that's assists single mothers, now they are doing something new: starting a "Soup Kitchen" By Christine O? Story Published: Nov 15, 2009 at 10:58 PM EST Story Updated: Nov 16, 2009 at 9:58 AM EST AUGUSTA, Ga. - An Augusta reverend and firefighter is doing his best to feed the homeless and serve his community from his home. Reverend Franklyn Beckles, Jr. opened his doors to the homeless Sunday.. Beckles already runs a day care, ministry and learning center out of his home called the Children's Christian Center. Now he's decided a soup kitchen is the next best way to help the Augusta community. ?They have to have a need and a wanting to participate in a Christian atmosphere. We give them food talk to them and we give them a little bit of the word, we pray with them,? Beckles said. He'll also feed the homeless from his house November 29th. His home is located at 3725 Old McDuffie Road. 706-533-7128 Ordained & Renown Minister: Rev. Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. Director / Principal / Church Pastor African-American History Background: The Children?s Christian Center 3725 Old McDuffie Rd. Augusta, GA 30906 Director/Principal: Rev. Dr. Franklyn Victor Beckles, Jr. Manger: Mrs. Adrian Beckles Est. in 2009 MISSION STATEMENT The Sons for Christ Church of God Ministries, is a private nonprofit Christian organization which operates The Children?s Christian Learning Center . The daycare program provides quality childcare services, for preschool children, working & busy families, staff, and the people of Richmond and Columbia Counties . VISION STATEMENT The Children?s Christian Learning Center , will be an faith-based Ministry & Christian Academy , whose efforts and quality of childcare, bible study, and education will continue to improve while achieving excellence, and serving every eligible child and family, who desires fair, honest, and moral statues to fulfill their child?s educational needs.

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Director?s Background/Birth of The Children?s Christian Center : Dr. Beckles, Jr., and father, Mr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Sr. Both established the first African-American Private School in Aiken, SC. That took in, and educated students from South Carolina to Georgia , who were kick out of public schools, because of racism or behavior problems. They became so successful, that they graduated in nine years, over 567, 000 High School Students, and helped place them in jobs, and colleges; no one in the C.S.R.A (the Central Savannah Regional Area/Georgia-Carolina) thought that they would accomplish. Mr. Beckles, Sr., had long since retired in 2003, but his son has, despite all odds and opposition; carried on the legacy of C.A. I Academy. He relocated, to Augusta GA. Where the school & college drop out rate are doubled! And he re-established a new private school, to educate, and take care of the children of single mothers, and working women, who desperately need a daycare system, that fits their busy work schedules. Dr. Beckles, Jr., has been respectfully teaching and educating children in need, since 1991, a respected Public School Teacher in Richmond County, a Military Veteran, Former Police Officer, Comic Book Writer, & Fireman. Currently, Private School Principal and Church Pastor, he is an ordained Minister, has a Doctorate Degree in Theology, and is still a Fireman for The Augusta Fire Department. Search resultsRev. Dr. Franklyn Beckles Jr.'s Business Center - Testimonials ... Franklyn V. Beckles, Sr. Both established the first African-American Private ... Reverend Franklyn Beckles, Jr. opened his doors to the homeless Sunday. ... - Cached Dr. Frank Beckles's Business Center - Online Celebrity and ... About me: Dr. Franklyn Beckles, Jr. Apsense is one Business Social Network ... FRANKLYN V. BECKLES, JR. ... father, Mr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Sr. Both ... New soup kitchen in Augusta Tools 2 Comments Email this article Print this article YouNews? Digg this! Save to Delicious Post to Facebook Share on Twitter Close By Christine O?Donnell Story Published: Nov 15, 2009 at 10:58 PM EST Story Updated: Nov 16, 2009 at 9:58 AM EST AUGUSTA, Ga. - An Augusta reverend and firefighter is doing his best to feed the homeless and serve his community from his home. Reverend Franklyn Beckles, Jr. opened his doors to the homeless Sunday. Beckles already runs a day care, ministry and learning center out of his home called the Children's Christian Center. Now he's decided a soup kitchen is the next best way to help the Augusta community. ?They have to have a need and a wanting to participate in a Christian atmosphere. We give them food talk to them and we give them a little bit of the word, we pray with them,? Beckles said. He'll also feed the homeless from his house November 29th. His home is located at 3725 Old McDuffie Road. NBC Augusta 26 News brings you straight to the point news, weather, and sports from Augusta and the CSRA. Meet our NBC Augusta 26 News staff! Search resultsRev. Dr. Franklyn Beckles Jr.'s Business Center - Testimonials ... Franklyn V. Beckles, Sr. Both established the first African-American Private ... Reverend Franklyn Beckles, Jr. opened his doors to the homeless Sunday. ... - Cached Dr. Frank Beckles's Business Center - Online Celebrity and ... About me: Dr. Franklyn Beckles, Jr. Apsense is one Business Social Network ... FRANKLYN V. BECKLES, JR. ... father, Mr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Sr. Both ... - 54k - Cached Welcome to The Falcon's Nest My name is Dr. Victor Franklyn Beckles, Jr. I am an ex-navy seal, a black belt ... I am also the manager and President of the Beckles & Son Book Exchange. ... - 63k - Cached New soup kitchen in Augusta | NBC Augusta 26 | news, weather ... An Augusta reverend and firefighter is doing his best to feed the homeless and serve ... Reverend Franklyn Beckles, Jr. opened his doors to the homeless Sunday. ... - 85k - Cached Quintessence of the Loon - List 201 to 300 Site List. This is an alphabetical list of the sites ... Dr. Victor Franklyn Beckles, Jr. September 2000. Farwell Brain Fingerprinting. Larry Farwell, PhD ... - Cached Quintessence of the Loon - Author List 1 to 100 Author List. This is a list of the authors who can be identified for sites ... Dr. Victor Franklyn Beckles, Jr. The Falcon's Nest. September 2000. Fred Bell. Pyradyne ... - Cached Beckler, Nicole - Beckles, Lauren | LinkedIn ... name in the following bracket: Beckler, Nicole - Beckles, Lauren ... Franklyn Beckles. G. W. Beckles. Gabriella Beckles. Gail Beckles. Gail-Jacqueline Beckles ... - Cached Principal Dr. Frank Beckles, Jr.'s Apsense Business Center ... Reverend Franklyn Beckles, Jr. opened his doors to the homeless Sunday. ... About Dr. Franklyn Beckles, Jr. Welcome to our family site! ... FRANKLYN V. BECKLES, JR. ... - 115k - Cached " 2006 Even the afore-mentioned Wikipedia cannot explain this. While Victor Franklyn Beckles may not be the best web page designer he may just ... - Search resultsfamily family. 9/26/2008 Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. and Family Occupation: Gracewood Medical ... Has a Son- Chris Beckles, 8 years old. ... - Cached News Brian Cottle resigned Wednesday with immediate effect as Attorney General of ... was responsible for having Mr. Franklyn Beckles, Director of AIT on the island ... - 101k - Cached Reporter Frames Franklyn Beckles, Director of the American Institute of Technology (AIT) in ... Mr Beckles said his life is testimony that one who has fallen through the cracks ... - 116k - Cached Ponsonby Britt - GAC Forums Ponsonby Britt The Termite Terrace Trading Post ... my "executive producer" credit one day, it'll be Dr. Victor Franklyn Beckles, Jr. ... 9/26/2008 Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. and Family Occupation: Gracewood Medical Center Supervisor over Facility, Mentoring Mentally Disabled Adults... Has a Son- Chris Beckles, 8 years old.. Wife: Adrian Beckles, currently pregnant with Dr. Beckles's second son. Search resultsRev. Dr. Franklyn Beckles Jr.'s Business Center - Testimonials Rev. Dr. Franklyn Beckles Jr. View Profile. Business Industry. Society & Lifestyle ... Renown Church Pastor- Rev. Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. and his Christian ... - Cached Rev. Dr. Franklyn Beckles, Jr.'s Business Center - Affiliates Dr. Franklyn Beckles, Jr. Apsense Business Center (A.B.C) Home. Products & Services ... Rev. Dr. Franklyn Beckles, Jr. View Profile. Business Industry ... - Cached Welcome to The Falcon's Nest My name is Dr. Victor Franklyn Beckles, Jr. I am an ex-navy seal, a black belt ... I am also the manager and President of the Beckles & Son Book Exchange. ... - 63k - Cached Principal Dr. Frank Beckles, Jr.'s Apsense Business Center ... Dr. Beckles, Jr., and father, Mr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Sr. Both established the ... About Dr. Franklyn Beckles, Jr. Welcome to our family site! ... - 115k - Cached family family. 9/26/2008 Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. and Family Occupation: Gracewood Medical ... Adrian Beckles, currently pregnant with Dr. Beckles's second son. ... - Cached Quintessence of the Loon - List 201 to 300 Dr. Victor Franklyn Beckles, Jr. September 2000. Farwell Brain Fingerprinting. Larry Farwell, PhD ... Dr Bruce Goldberg. October 2000. I Am Christ and The ... - Cached Quintessence of the Loon - Author List 1 to 100 Dr. Victor Franklyn Beckles, Jr. The Falcon's Nest. September 2000. Fred Bell. Pyradyne ... Dr J Chiappalone. Annwn Publications - Gnosticism, Evil, Aliens, ... - Cached Beckler, Nicole - Beckles, Lauren | LinkedIn Dr Alan Beckles. Dr. Frank Beckles. Earl Beckles. Edward Beckles ... Franklyn Beckles. G. W. Beckles. Gabriella Beckles. Gail Beckles. Gail-Jacqueline Beckles ... - Cached All Systems Go: Zartan's Schoolbook Suppository Dance Dance Revolution Team Rocket's theme song."Smoke on the Water"Mr. Ed Jumps ... "Message to Nobel Prize Committee / Rock & Roll Hall of Fame" here "Chubby ... - 87k - Cached Family-Friendly 88.3 WAFJ - Augusta, GA/Aiken, SC The event titled Open House starts on 12.17.09! ... WIN THE CD OF THE MONTH. STANTON LANIER TICKETS ... DR. FRANKLYN V. BECKLES, JR. THE DIRECTOR & PASTOR ... Search resultsRev. Dr. Franklyn Beckles Jr.'s Business Center - Testimonials Rev. Dr. Franklyn Beckles Jr. View Profile. Business Industry. Society ... Church Pastor- Rev. Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. and his Christian Daycare, ... - Cached Rev. Dr. Franklyn Beckles, Jr.'s Business Center - Affiliates Dr. Franklyn Beckles, Jr. Apsense Business Center (A.B.C) Home. Products & Services ... Rev. Dr. Franklyn Beckles, Jr. View Profile. Business Industry ... - Cached Welcome to The Falcon's Nest My name is Dr. Victor Franklyn Beckles, Jr. I am an ex-navy seal, a black belt ... I am also the manager and President of the Beckles & Son Book Exchange. ... - 63k - Cached Principal Dr. Frank Beckles, Jr.'s Apsense Business Center ... Dr. Beckles, Jr., and father, Mr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Sr. Both established the ... About Dr. Franklyn Beckles, Jr. Welcome to our family site! ... - 115k - Cached The Legendary Fiction Writer ... Rd left from Advance Auto 1706-627-3220 Author Dr. Franklyn Victor Beckles, Jr. ... INHEIRITANCE BECKLES HOLLYWOOD LEGACY HOLLYWOOD ANIME YUL BRYNNER CHARLES ... - Cached Quintessence of the Loon - List 201 to 300 Dr. Victor Franklyn Beckles, Jr. September 2000. Farwell Brain Fingerprinting. Larry Farwell, PhD ... Dr Bruce Goldberg. October 2000. I Am Christ and The ... - Cached Quintessence of the Loon - Author List 1 to 100 Dr. Victor Franklyn Beckles, Jr. The Falcon's Nest. September 2000. Fred Bell. Pyradyne ... Alan Cantwell, Jr. M.D. AIDS Biowarfare. June 2000. Dr Carole Carbone ... - Cached All Systems Go: Zartan's Schoolbook Suppository Dance Dance Revolution Team Rocket's theme song."Smoke on the Water"Mr. Ed Jumps ... "Message to Nobel Prize Committee / Rock & Roll Hall of Fame" here "Chubby ... - 87k - Cached Beckler, Nicole - Beckles, Lauren | LinkedIn Dr Alan Beckles. Dr. Frank Beckles. Earl Beckles. Edward Beckles ... Franklyn Beckles. G. W. Beckles. Gabriella Beckles. Gail Beckles. Gail-Jacqueline Beckles ... - Cached Ponsonby Britt - GAC Forums Ponsonby Britt The Termite Terrace Trading Post ... my "executive producer" credit one day, it'll be Dr. Victor Franklyn Beckles, Jr. ... Search resultsDr. Frank Beckles on APSense About me: Dr. Franklyn Beckles, Jr. Apsense is one Business Social Network ... like to meet: Dr. Frank "The Tank" Beckles, Jr. a.k.a Internet & Guiness Book ... - Cached Principal Dr. Frank Beckles, Jr.'s Apsense Business Center ... ... Author Rev. Dr. Frank Beckles, Jr. 37 years old AUGUSTA, Georgia United States ... Dr. Frank Beckles's Experience Owner The Children's Christian Center/Pastor ... - 115k - Cached Our New Family ... becklesfuture.html Dr. Frank V. Beckles, Jr. Teacher, Author, Actor a.k.a Vic "The Iceman" Beckles Famous ... - Cached Beckler, Nicole - Beckles, Lauren | LinkedIn Dr Alan Beckles. Dr. Frank Beckles. Earl Beckles. Edward Beckles. Edythe Beckles. Erika Beckles ... Reed Beckler Jr. Michelle Beckler Westover. LinkedIn member ... - Cached Welcome to sports ... Guyana: Incidences, Causes and Solutions" was funded by Psychiatrist Dr. Frank ... Dr. Beckles, who dedicated the study to his 34-year-old son, Professor of ... 24-05-01.html Search resultsDr. Frank Beckles's Business Center - Online Celebrity and ... Dr. Frank Beckles and His Family Church Ministry. Gosphel Television ... Dr. Frank Beckles's Experience Owner The Children's Christian Center/Pastor ... - 54k - Cached Principal Dr. Frank Beckles, Jr.'s Apsense Business Center ... Dr. Frank Beckles's Specialties: Published Book Author, Editor-in-Chief/Writer ... Dr. Frank Beckles's Experience Owner The Children's Christian Center/Pastor ... - 115k - Cached GINA | GOVERNMENT INFORMATION AGENCY | GUYANA In 2000, Psychiatrist Dr. Frank Beckles, through a suicide study, revealed that ... As regards the study done by Dr. Beckles it will be noted that six males ... - Cached Another hit- from Guyana: Land of Six Peoples According to Dr. Frank Beckles, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to formalise ... Dr Beckles, who was part of the Guyana Medical Council delegation that visited ... - Cached Another hit- from Guyana: Land of Six Peoples Suicide, one of the leading causes of death particularly among young males in ... was commissioned by clinical and forensic psychiatrist, Dr Frank Beckles. ... - Cached Donate to Help & Shelter 20.Dr Frank Williams ? Physician (ret.) 21.Dr. Frank Beckles - Psychiatrist ... 74.Dr.Ian McDonald, Father, Writer, Corporate Executive ... - Cached BEAL DEAL CHALLENGED IN HIGH COURT. | South America > Guyana ... ... CANA (June 1, 2000): Four citizens -- Dr. Frank Beckles, Sherwood Kendall, ... Four citizens -- Dr. Frank Beckles, Sherwood Kendall, Jonathan Adams, Ashton ... - 51k - Cached St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Guyana Medical Services & Outreach ... St. Joseph Mercy Hospital List of Doctors ... Dr. Frank Beckles. RADIATION/ONCOLOGIST. Dr. Narendra K. Bhalla. UROLOGIST. Dr. Janshid Aidun ... - Cached Ministry of Health ... Prevention (NCSP), the Minister, Dr Leslie Ramsammy disclosed last ... Psychiatrists, Dr. Bhiro Harry and Dr. Frank Beckles are also members of the NCSP. ... - Cached Beckler, Nicole - Beckles, Lauren | LinkedIn ... in the following bracket: Beckler, Nicole - Beckles, Lauren ... Dr Alan Beckles. Dr. Frank Beckles. Earl Beckles. Edward Beckles. Edythe Beckles. Erika Beckles ... Stabroek News - Encouraging example set by Jamaica's Minister ... Daily News, Sports, Business, Entertainment and more from Guyana ... Dr. Frank Beckles ? Psychiatrist, Caribbean Stress Management Institute ... - Cached Welcome to sports ... Guyana: Incidences, Causes and Solutions" was funded by Psychiatrist Dr. Frank ... Dr. Beckles, who dedicated the study to his 34-year-old son, Professor of ... 24-05-01.html - 159k - Cached Welcome to Welcome To The Home Of Guyana's Most Widely Circulated Newspaper ... Psychiatrists, Dr. Bhiro Harry and Dr. Frank Beckles are also members of the NCSP. ... 05-05-08.html - 269k - Cached Our New Family ... becklesfuture.html Dr. Frank ... SHADOW PONCHO EL CAPITAN THE CISCO KID BECKLES GAGSTON ANITA THE MICHEAL GLASSER ... iceman - iceman super hero squad - iceman j-pop frank beckles iceman. iceman mr d. thunder arena wrestling iceman. iceman cometh challenge ... dr iceman and dr clark. mountain range that iceman was found ... iceman - iceman student projects - iceman with tattoos oetzi ... bare naked iceman. dr ankner iceman. discovery iceman ... frank beckles iceman. iceman in x-men movie. iceman richard kilinski. iceman lost complex mr d mp3 ... Famous Church Pastor & Book Author Rev. Dr. Frank Beckles, Jr. 37 years old AUGUSTA, Georgia United States Last Login: 11/10/2009 Welcome to our family site! OPEN HOUSE DECEMBER 17 FROM 3PM-8PM RENOWN PRIVATE SCHOOL & DAYCARE: THE AUGUSTA ACADEMY & CHILDREN'S CHRISTIAN CENTER IS HOSTING A COMMUNITY EVENT: OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FREE FOOD & DRINKS AVAILABLE (DONATIONS EXCEPTED) TO FOSTER & HELP SUPPORT AFFORDABLE & WELL-NEEDED EDUCATION IN AUGUSTA & TO ASSIST IN OUR CHURCH (THE SONS FOR CHRIST CHURCH OF GOD OUTREACH MINISTRIES) THAT IS HELPING THE FEED THE HOMELESS CAMPAIGN IN RICHMOND COUNTY.. FOUNDED BY REV. DR. FRANKLYN V. BECKLES, JR. THE DIRECTOR & PASTOR TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CHEAPEST & MOST QUALIFIED DAYCARE & AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM IN THE C.S.R.A COME CHECK US OUT- DURING OUR FREE OPEN HOUSE!!! WE ARE LOCATED AT: THE CHILDREN'S CHRISTIAN CENTER 3725 OLD McDUFFIE RD. AUGUSTA, GA. 30906 FOR MORE INFO CALL US @ 706-533-7128 Ordained & Renown Minister: Rev. Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. Director / Principal / Church Pastor with his loving family ATTENTION: NEWS COMMUNITY CALENDER FOR DECEMBER 2009... View My: Pics DrBeckles's Film Bio Influences Directors becklesfamily l - 22 minutes ago becklesfamily l - 22 minutes ago December '09 Pastor Beckles will be appearing for the second time on the Historic Gosphel TV Show "Parade of Quartets".. becklesfamily l - 23 minutes ago 11/9/09 Pastor Beckles's Career as a Fireman was extended, while He completes his certification as a Paramedic at Augusta Tech. becklesfamily l - 25 minutes ago on 11/12/09 Dr. Beckles will be appearing LIVE for the third time, on the renown Christian TV Network Show: "Club 36" becklesfamily l - 27 minutes ago Attention: Mary Morison becklesfamily l - 27 minutes ago becklesfamily l - 1 hour ago becklesfamily l - 1 hour ago becklesfamily l - 1 hour ago Awards OPEN HOUSE DECEMBER 17 FROM 3PM-8PM RENOWN PRIVATE SCHOOL & DAYCARE: THE AUGUSTA ACADEMY & CHILDREN'S CHRISTIAN CENTER IS HOSTING A COMMUNITY EVENT: OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FREE FOOD & DRINKS AVAILABLE (DONATIONS EXCEPTED) TO FOSTER & HELP SUPPORT AFFORDABLE & WELL-NEEDED EDUCATION IN AUGUSTA & TO ASSIST IN OUR CHURCH (THE SONS FOR CHRIST CHURCH OF GOD OUTREACH MINISTRIES) THAT IS HELPING THE FEED THE HOMELESS CAMPAIGN IN RICHMOND COUNTY.. FOUNDED BY REV. DR. FRANKLYN V. BECKLES, JR. THE DIRECTOR & PASTOR TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CHEAPEST & MOST QUALIFIED DAYCARE & AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM IN THE C.S.R.A COME CHECK US OUT- DURING OUR FREE OPEN HOUSE!!! WE ARE LOCATED AT: THE CHILDREN'S CHRISTIAN CENTER 3725 OLD McDUFFIE RD. AUGUSTA, GA. 30906 FOR MORE INFO CALL US @ 706-533-7128 Ordained & Renown Minister: Rev. Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. Director / Principal / Church Pastor with his loving family ATTENTION: NEWS COMMUNITY CALENDER FOR DECEMBER 2009... Festivals DrBeckles's Details Status: Married Orientation: Straight Hometown: Trinidad & Tobago Religion: Christian - other Zodiac Sign: Libra Smoke / Drink: No / No Children: Proud parent Education: Post grad Income: $30,000 to $45,000 Welcome to our family site! OPEN HOUSE DECEMBER 17 FROM 3PM-8PM RENOWN PRIVATE SCHOOL & DAYCARE: THE AUGUSTA ACADEMY & CHILDREN'S CHRISTIAN CENTER IS HOSTING A COMMUNITY EVENT: OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FREE FOOD & DRINKS AVAILABLE (DONATIONS EXCEPTED) TO FOSTER & HELP SUPPORT AFFORDABLE & WELL-NEEDED EDUCATION IN AUGUSTA & TO ASSIST IN OUR CHURCH (THE SONS FOR CHRIST CHURCH OF GOD OUTREACH MINISTRIES) THAT IS HELPING THE FEED THE HOMELESS CAMPAIGN IN RICHMOND COUNTY.. FOUNDED BY REV. DR. FRANKLYN V. BECKLES, JR. THE DIRECTOR & PASTOR TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CHEAPEST & MOST QUALIFIED DAYCARE & AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM IN THE C.S.R.A COME CHECK US OUT- DURING OUR FREE OPEN HOUSE!!! WE ARE LOCATED AT: THE CHILDREN'S CHRISTIAN CENTER 3725 OLD McDUFFIE RD. AUGUSTA, GA. 30906 FOR MORE INFO CALL US @ 706-533-7128 Ordained & Renown Minister: Rev. Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. Director / Principal / Church Pastor with his loving family ATTENTION: NEWS COMMUNITY CALENDER FOR DECEMBER 2009... DrBeckles F - 15 minutes ago DrBeckles F - 15 minutes ago DrBeckles F - 16 minutes ago DrBeckles F - 17 minutes ago DrBeckles F - 17 minutes ago DrBeckles F - 18 minutes ago DrBeckles F - 40 minutes ago DrBeckles F - 41 minutes ago DrBeckles F - 41 minutes ago DrBeckles F - 41 minutes ago RENOWN PRIVATE SCHOOL & DAYCARE: THE AUGUSTA ACADEMY & CHILDREN'S CHRISTIAN CENTER IS HOSTING A COMMUNITY EVENT: OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FREE FOOD & DRINKS AVAILABLE (DONATIONS EXCEPTED) TO FOSTER & HELP SUPPORT AFFORDABLE & WELL-NEEDED EDUCATION IN AUGUSTA & TO ASSIST IN OUR CHURCH (THE SONS FOR CHRIST CHURCH OF GOD OUTREACH MINISTRIES) THAT IS HELPING THE FEED THE HOMELESS CAMPAIGN IN RICHMOND COUNTY.. FOUNDED BY REV. DR. FRANKLYN V. BECKLES, JR. THE DIRECTOR & PASTOR TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CHEAPEST & MOST QUALIFIED DAYCARE & AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM IN THE C.S.R.A COME CHECK US OUT- DURING OUR FREE OPEN HOUSE!!! WE ARE LOCATED AT: THE CHILDREN'S CHRISTIAN CENTER 3725 OLD McDUFFIE RD. AUGUSTA, GA. 30906 FOR MORE INFO CALL US @ 706-533-7128 Ordained & Renown Minister: Rev. Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. Director / Principal / Church Pastor with his loving family Welcome Since 1998 we have been providing companies large and small with cutting edge IT support. Software - As a Microsoft Action Partner we support all of the latest platforms: Windows 7, Server 2008/2003, Vista and XP. Hardware - Our server farm allows us to set-up Enterprise servers in hours not days. Dual T3 lines insure that you server as always available ** Applications - We install, troubleshoot & offer training of all the most popular applications: Office 2007, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint and more... Special Applications - We run and maintain a blackberry Enterprise server, Flash media server, Microsoft Silverlight to name a few. Virtual Server(s) Using the latest technology from Microsoft we provided you with your own high-speed, dedicated server configured to your companies needs. Services Thru a close partnership with Microsoft(tm) we stay update with the latest technologies both hardware and software. We then recommend to you the best solutions for your needs. There are wealth of solutions to the problems that face Web Design Hosting (Web / Virtual Server) Wireles network deployment Data protection SONS FOR CHRIST CHURCH OF GOD MINSTRIES Outreach and Non Denominational Church 3725 Old McDuffie Rd. Augusta, Georgia 30906 706-790-4074 Agenda Summery Open to all People, races and Denominations Bible Study held on Thursdays at 7 pm Church services on Sundays 9 am and 3 pm Officers Pastor: Dr. Frank Beckles, Jr. and family Charter CHARITABLE DONATIONS ARE ACCEPTED MISSION STATEMENT The Sons for Christ Church of God Ministries, is a private nonprofit Christian organization which operates The Children?s Christian Learning Center. The daycare program provides quality childcare services, for preschool children, working and busy families, staff, and people of Richmond and Columbia Counties. Qualifications of a family day care provider is to be at lease 21 yrs of age. Have a satisfactory criminal records check and finger printing through live scan process. Requirements for a family day care provider is to have pre-registration training and high school diploma. CPR and First Aid training also required. Other employees or adults that come in contact with the children also must have a criminal background check. That includes all persons that resides in the home and performs duties at the home. The Children?s Christian Center does not discriminate against children with disabilities. The needs of each child with a disability will be considered individually. Reasonable accommodations will be made. The director will decide what is reasonable. Children?s activities will be age appropriate for learning and play. The children will develop self help skills, and have outdoor activities. The learning center is required to have only three-six children per 1 adult. A helper is required when more than 3 children less than 12 months and more than 6 children less than 3 years and more than 8 children less than 5 years. At least one adult shall supervise children at all times. The provider is alert and providing watchful oversight and able to respond promptly to the needs and actions of children. The provider is able to intervene promptly in case of an emergency. Children will not sleep in areas without an adult present. Disciplinary actions used to correct a a child?s behavior, guidance techniques and any activities in which the children participate or observe at home shall not be detrimental to the physical or mental health of any child. A provider or a home?s employee shall not physically or sexually abuse a child. Inflict corporal physical punishment. Shake, jerk, pinch or rough handle a child. Verbally abuse or humiliate a child. Isolate a child in a dark room, closet, or unsupervised area. Use mechanical or physical restraints or devices. Restrict a child from going to the bathroom, or punishing toilet accidents. A provider or a home?s employee shall not use medication to discipline or control a child?s behavior. Force feeding a child or not frrd a child regularly scheduled meals or snacks. Force or with hold naps. Allow children to discipline or humiliate other children. Confine a child for disciplinary purposes to a swing, high chair, infant carrier, walker, or jump seat. Commit any criminal act in the presence of any child enrolled in the home. Serve meals and snacks for the period of time children are in the home. Meals and snacks shall be nutritious, well balanced, and Varied. Milk served unless the child has a specific health reason prohibiting milk. The home?s building shall be clean, free of obvious and potential hazards, free of fire hazards. Climbing and swing equipment that is not portable shall be securely anchored, have a resilient surface. Resilient surface must be maintained. Swimming pools must be fenced and inaccessible. Certified lifeguard must be present. Swimming ratios must be followed. Pets must have current vaccination. Restricted from child care area both inside and outside. First aid supplies handy and available at all times. Must obtain complete written authorization for medications. Medications must be inaccessible. Provider must document if medication is dispensed or not. Driver must have current license for transportation. Children must be restrained. Must obtain written authorization. No child shall be left unattended in a motor vehicle. Within 24 hrs a home shall report a death of a child. Any serious illness or injury other than first aid. Any fire, Any structural disaster. Closing of the home. Any suspected child abuse, neglect or deprivations. Any cases or suspected cases of notifiable communicable diseases. Written Emergency plan will include Fire, Severe weather, Loss of electrical power, loss of water Serious injury of a child, loss of a child, Death of a child. Fire drills will be practiced monthly. Drills will be documented and maintained for ne year. Smoke detectors must be on each floor level of the home. 2-A:10-B:C fire extinguisher or larger is required. No smoking during hours of operation. No smoking sign will be posted. Children?s records will be maintained and updated and must be complete. Record must document any known allergies or medical problems. Must maintain record of immunization. VISION STATEMENT The Children?s Christian Learning Center, will be an faith-based Ministry & Christian Academy, whose efforts and quality of childcare, bible study, and education will continue to improve while achieving excellence, and serving every eligible child and family, who desires fair, honest, and moral statues to fulfill their child?s educational needs. DIRECTOR?S BACKGROUND/BIRTH OF THE CHILDREN?S CHRISTIAN CENTER Dr. Beckles, Jr. and father, Mr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Sr. Both established the first African-American Private school in Aiken, SC. That took in, and educated students from South Carolina to Georgia, who were kick out of public schools, because of racism or behavior problems. They became so successful, that they graduated in nine years, over 567,000 high school students, and helped place them in jobs, and colleges; no one in the C.S.R.A. thought that they could accomplish. Mr. Beckles, Sr. had long since retired in 2003, but his son has, despite all odds and opposition; carried on the legacy of C.A. I Academy. He relocated, to Augusta GA where the school & college drop out rate are doubled! And he re-established a new private school, to educate, and take care of the children of single mothers, and working women, who desperately need a daycare system, that fits their busy work schedules. Dr. Beckles, is a renown public &private school teacher, he is an ordained minister, and pastor of a small family church and he has a Doctorate Degree in Theology. Thank You, for inviting me to your show on Thursday July 9th. I will be available to speak with you about The Children's Christian Center and our Bible Study Church, and what my dream and hope for this school to be an asset to the entire community of south Augusta and the C.S.R.A. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you on Thursday. Thank You... The Children's Christian Center is the name of my school. Enrolling ages 3-up. Started the school to help the community. Especially single and working mothers who is looking for quality day care/preschool and flexible hours. Our day care/preschool is open monday-saturday7am-7pm. We also have after school program and mentorship and martial arts classes. We also have bible education for kids of all ages. Our school is an outreach community based christian program. The center is also Sons for christ Church of God Ministries.Where I pastor on Sundays at 9am and 3pm and hold bible study on thursdays at 7pm. Will be available on next thursday. Thank you for the opportunity. DEDICATED TO MY SON: CHRISTIAN ALEXANDER BECKLES.. DR. FRANK BECKLES AND HIS FAMOUS DAYCARE SCHOOL WILL BE FEATURED AGAIN FOR THE SECOND TIME ON NATIONAL TV (NBC NEWS WAGT) ON 12/14/2009. ? previous | next ? Print Photos | View Full-Size Image