Although many people experience corns and calluses, the vast majority of them have a hard time making the difference between them. They do, however, represent different medical conditions and corns are usually dead skin at the top and sides of the toes. Usually, they present a small plug of skin right in the center and there are several different types of them, such as hard corns, soft corns or seed corns. On the other hand, calluses are rough and hard areas of skin that do not develop only on feet, but also hands or anywhere else, as long as the area experiences repeated friction. Most corns and calluses develop because of improper walking motion and improper shoes, the worst offenders being the ones with high heels. There are several treatments that can be used for either of them or both of them, from oral antibiotics and moisturizing creams to exfoliating socks and even surgery, depending on the gravity of the callus.

Most individuals do not seek medical advice when they experience corns or calluses, because it is usually not such a big deal. They can disappear by themselves if you wear the right shoes and take better care of your feet for a while. However, if you cut a callus or a corn by accident and it starts bleeding, then you definitely have to see a doctor. The same is valid for corns and calluses that discharge fluid, whether clear or pus, as that may be a sign of infection. Nonetheless, if that’s not the case for you, but you do develop such hard skin and you want to Hornhaut entfernen quickly and effectively, there are several different treatments available for you, as mentioned above. The first thing you need to do is make sure that the are does not experience friction or pressure anymore, which means wearing proper shoes and even helping with the reduction of friction by wearing exfoliating socks, which help with the dead skin cells. In case your corn or callus has already developed a small infection, then oral antibiotics may be needed to clear that up, as well as drainage of the pus, which usually involves a small incision.

For cracked calluses, moisturizing creams can do wonders, as they help soften the skin and remove the calluses. The cream has to stay on the area for about 30 minutes or even an hour, so you might need to cover it with a sock, which is basically the same thing with buying exfoliating socks. In fact, that might be even better, as it saves you the trouble of applying the cream and making sure it stays on the damaged area. For planter calluses that are very severe, some people might even consider surgery to remove them, but the truth is that no surgery can guarantee that it won’t come back. To that extent, if you want to reduce the risk of ever having corns and calluses again, then best thing to do is wear the proper type of footwear or maybe even invest in a pair of those socks that exfoliate skin, as that will help prevent dead skin from accumulating excessively.

To learn more about how to Hornhaut entfernen or to find exfoliating socks, please click on the links here!

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