Do you know the meaning of the word Self-Esteem?  " the term self-esteem is used to describe a person's overall sense of self-worth or personal value.  Let us look at this definition in detail so that you fully understand it.  It says 'sense of SELF-WORTH' not what someone else thinks your are worth.  It says 'PERSONAL VALUE' not the value that another person has labelled you as.

Self-Esteem determines every decision you make in your life.  You don't believe me? Let's see ... if you do not feel as though you will be able to do a good job at a particular task, will you attempt to do it? NO!  On the other hand if you believe that you can conquer any obstacle place in yur way, would you not do everything in your power to succeed?  YES!

There are two types of Self-esteem: low and high.  The development of our perception of ourselves starts at a young age because we depend on the people around us to help build our high self-esteem, while teaching us how to maintain it on our own once we are grown.

BEING YOUR OWN GREATEST FAN is one of the best ways of maintain the highest of Self-Esteems.  I know you might think that self-love is endulgent and wrong.  It is not!  In order for people to love and appreciate you, you must be first to appreciate and love yourself.  You teach people how to treat you, therefore if you do not take pride in your appearance, your speech, your surroundings etc, then the people around you will treat you the same way.

Think about how excited you are when you see your favourite artiste performing ... you are all smiles and feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.  Why can't you do that for yourself ... you did it for a total stranger ... come on I am sure you know yourself better than you know any of the celebrities.  Seriously ... go look in the mirror and feel excited to be alive ... find three things you love about yourself.

Now get out there and show the world you are worthy!!!!!

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