Both men and women enjoy mixing oral sensual activity into their love lives, but too often the activity is approached with perhaps less preparation and thought than is appropriate. There are any number of tips that can help both genders make the oral sensual activity experience even more pleasurable, and some are shared below. One tip for men to remember before all others: Make sure that one's regular male organ care routine keeps the manhood in the kind of physical condition that makes a woman more likely to perform orally. A member that looks (or smells) unhealthy is not a member she wants to wrap her lips around.

Tips for Her

Be confident. Really, this tip applies to both men and women. A lover who is sure of him/herself tends to be more satisfying. Sometimes a woman approaches oral sensual activity with a male organ a bit tentatively. A man likes it when a woman preps his member with assurance and launches into oral gratification with a purpose and a goal.

Go bit by bit. Don't feel obligated to take in large portions of the shaft right away. A man usually prefers to have a woman run her tongue around the tip of his member for a while, and then to slowly take the shaft into her mouth an inch or so at a time. This also helps the woman to adapt to the feel of the organ and to reduce the gag reflex that can accompany oral sensual activity on a male.

Take breaks. Having a firm manhood in the mouth can become tiring, so find times to remove the member from the mouth. Licking the shaft or engaging in manual stroking during these breaks can keep the momentum going for him.

Cool it down. Adding a bit of coolness to the oral sensual activity experience can be mind-blowing for a man. Keep a glass of cold water by the bed and occasionally take a sip and then return to gratifying the manhood. The change in temperature on his hot member will be very pleasurable for him.

Tips for Him

Don't rush in.  Guys tend to like to get down to business with sensual activity. Just as with partner coupling, it sometimes pays to do a little "warming up" of one's lady love before opening up the oral pleasure chest. Make sure to engage in plenty of kissing, caressing and gentle stroking of the chest, female organ and other sensitive zones before engaging in oral sensual activity.

Take your time. A woman wants to enjoy this experience and doesn't want to feel rushed. Start slowly and don't feel like there's a timetable that needs to be adhered to.

Tell her you enjoy it, too. Even if a guy doesn't particularly like giving oral sensual activity, he should be generous during the moment. Find ways to enjoy it more and let the lady know that giving her pleasure is something that gives a man great pleasure.

Follow her lead. As the oral sensual activity progresses, she may want a few different approaches. If she asks for something different, accommodate her; it isn't a criticism, just some helpful guidance.

Use a pillow. Propping her pelvis on a pillow makes access to her full female organ area easier and enables a man to provide greater oral pleasure. 

One last tip: Guys who want oral sensual activity should use a first-class male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to keep the manhood appealing. If a guy's member tends to emit an unpleasant aroma, a crème with the anti-bacterial power of vitamin A will help head that odor off at the pass. If a guy's manhood has dry, flaky skin, using a crème with a high-end emollient (like Shea butter) can help moisturize the member and make the skin smooth and attractive. And a cream with a powerful antioxidant (such as alpha lipoic acid) is going to help offset oxidative and aging processes in cell metabolism that can cause an unwanted wrinkled look to the male organ. The best of tips: A woman will be more open to oral sensual activity if she is presented with a healthy member.

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