You trust your baby with them, but do you have any idea what your babysitter may be thinking about her job? Are they facing any problem, or are they having any trouble adjusting to your baby? There are certain things that your babysitter probably wants to tell you but can’t out of fear of losing the job!

1. Your House is NOT Clean!

You may be busy with your life, but that doesn’t mean you can’t clean up your house. Many people feel uncomfortable when they enter an unkempt house. Your babysitter has to spend hours in your house, so they will definitely feel uncomfortable if your house is in a mess.

2. They are not housemaids

You can’t expect them to do your household chores. They are specifically paid for taking care of your baby and that is what they expect. Imagine how you will feel if you are asked to do something in your job for which you won’t get paid.

3. She Is Scared To Ask a Raise in Her Salary

Everyone expects a raise in their pay after some years of service. She may be afraid that you may fire her and replace her with someone will less salary. Try to understand her subtle hints.

4. She Wishes That You Come Back Home The Committed Time.

She works on an hourly basis so; she obviously has other appointments during the whole day. If you come home late and don’t relieve her of her duties in time, she may lose her other job. 

5. You Are Undermining Her Authority

They are professionals and know how to manage and handle babies. You don’t need to tell them how to do their work, unless they are causing your baby any harm.

6. Cancelling Their Work without Intimation

How will you feel if your job gets terminated without prior indication? They would feel the same and hold a grudge. They won’t be able to say anything as it may reflect on their record.

7. She Also Need To Eat Food on Time

She is a human being and needs proper nutrition. You need to grant her the freedom of making her own food in your kitchen. If you are uncomfortable with that, then tell her to bring her own food.

8. She Wishes You Warn Her When Your Child Is Sick

A sick child need more care than normal babies. If you don’t inform her beforehand, she may not be prepared to take care if any emergency arises.

9. Your child may be a bully or have developmental problems:

Talk to your babysitter about your baby. Your child may be showing signs of development problems or signs of aggression that needs proper medical attention. Your babysitter would feel shy admitting this to you, so you need to initiate these kinds of conversations.

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