Based in the beautiful city of Lausanne, Switzerland, Manguetown is a company dedicated to the creation and sale of recycled fashion items. Its online shop provides customers with trendy upcycled bags and accessories, which not only help the environment and different communities, but also come at highly reasonable prices. The company was created from the idea of designing and making innovative and fashionable products, all created from recycled materials, thus promoting and raising environmental awareness. Manguetown offers a wide range of bags and other products that are made from recycled tubes, tires, PET bottles and plastic bags, as well as fire hoses and many other such items, which are collected, cleaned and then recycled, eventually becoming raw material for a variety of products. The company gets these items from junk yards and land-fill sites in developing countries, where garbage is a huge issue, thus helping communities there as well.


To that extent, by purchasing upcycling taschen from Manguetown, you don’t simply help the environment, but you also contribute to cleaning up developing courntires, where garbage is an abundant resource. Furthermore, the company values garbage-pickers and adds dignity to their work by enabling them to do something helpful through their work and that is providing raw materials to those who create the bags and accessories sold by the taschen online shop. They become recycling agents and, together with environmentally friendly organizations, they are important partners for Manguetown and the range of suppliers that the company works with. These suppliers range from local associations in developing countries to artisans and small recycling industries and companies. Moreover, Manguetown donates part of the store’s revenues directly to these projects involving garbage pickers and waste artisans, due to the fact that distribution of revenues can be a tough process to control and evaluate in some industries and some countries. Manguetown is utterly dedicated to helping the environment, but also to making the world a better place, helping communities around the world benefit from these projects.


For the creation of upcylced bags, Manguetown uses recycled materials, such as tubes, seatbelts, teabags and many other, with their origin in India, Brazil and several other countries, in which not only the garbage pickers are the beneficiaries of the project, but also women in rural communities, semi-skilled workers and tailors. If you want to find out more about the collection of sacs recycles offered by Manguetown, you can access the company’s official website and online shop,, where you will find detailed info on the materials recycled and used in the making of bags, wallets and other fashion accessories. It is time you start thinking about the good eco-friendly organizations and projects such as this one really do to the world you live in and take a small, but important step towards bringing your own contribution and consider buying recycled handbags, iPad covers and other such accessories, which you can easily do from Manguetown.


For more information about upcycled bags, please visit or use the contact details below:


  • Contact Name:            Jane Bliss
  • Company name:          Manguetown
  • Exact Address:           Rue du Bugnon 37, 1022 Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Phone no:                    +41 21 325 22 46
  • Email address:   

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