Businesses must learn to thrive in an increasingly competitive market environment. The average business has a multitude of competitors, all of whom are providing similar goods and services. Traditional competitive methods such as lowered prices and economies of the scale are being competed away faster than ever before. Business must, therefore, seek solutions that lie outside of the proverbial box if they are to thrive. This is part of what has fueled the increased uptake of cloud computing within the business sector. Cloud services providers have latched onto this need to drive their products to new heights, and are now offering enterprise class cloud computing services to the business market.

Enterprise cloud solutions could be easily defined as cloud systems that are created with a focus on serving businesses with increased efficiency. The leading class of cloud service providers catering to this market niche is managed hosting providers. They enable the business to focus on their core activities and objectives while relegating peripheral service provision to them. Tougher market conditions call for businesses to focus on their key areas of concern while looking for ways of decreasing costs for services that are peripheral to their business concerns. One of the services that are peripheral is IT. It is a basic part of the modern business architecture but can be a liability where the business is not providing IT as a service to the end consumer. Managed hosting providers handle this issue by virtualizing the entire IT structure of the company and eliminating the need for an active IT department within the company structure.

This has led to the proliferation of private cloud management service providers. These handle all aspects of the IT infrastructure and service delivery for the company. The service is undertaken for a monthly or yearly subscription fee. This is cost effective because the costs are pegged onto the actual levels of service delivered to the business. It provides the business with additional flexibility in that it can make a request to the service provider for increased access to cloud resources when required. The cloud service provider, in building their cloud infrastructure must of necessity, factor in scalability of the system to the needs of the consumer. This means that a business can increase their access to resources for a relatively low cost. The move has borne fruit for those adopting it. Businesses that have turned to private cloud management services are increasing their performance even in challenging economic environments. 


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