Let me begin by saying that usually I don’t like to even test software that is sold this cheaply because it usually is some PLR crap that hasn’t even been tested by the vendor. However, this one came from Simon and Jeremy; I trust their standards, so I decided to give it a go.

I wasn’t let down.

It was easy to download and install and took me less than a minute to open.

=> http://tinylink.in/CommissionHeist

As an aside – I’d like to say that Simon and Jeremy gave me another reason to feel confident about testing their software because unlike many software vendors, they took the extra effort to register it. So, when I downloaded the software I didn’t have to worry about that “unknown publisher warning” that I see all too often, and which always makes me feel squeamish about clicking run.

Registering their brand as the publisher of the software is just one of the little details that shows me right away how much higher their standards are, and as I dove into the meat of the test, they never let me down along the way!

The software works flawlessly, you simply enter a URL of the sales page that interests you, and the program goes to work digging through all of the lines of code to pick out the hidden affiliate link. This process only takes a second, whereas doing it manually could take hours (if you knew what to look for).

The software also automatically changes the other person’s affiliate link, to your own “special” affiliate link.

=> http://tinylink.in/CommissionHeist

I say “special affiliate link” because it strips out the code from the page that would send you to the vendors sales page, and returns to  you an affiliate link that will send you (or anyone who uses it) directly to the JVzoo or Clickbank payment processing page.

This isn’t so that you or anyone can escape paying an affiliate commission, or so that people can buy things through their own affiliate link to save money.

The reason for all this code mining and changing has nothing to do with anything as low handed or mundane!

The fact is that finding and changing these links is the cornerstone of one of Simon and Jeremy’s most profitable super affiliate strategies.

The software only speeds the process up!

And so while the software is truly impressive, it’s not even the real star of the show, in this offer.

The star of the show is the fact that they are showing you exactly how to perform one of their craziest most profitable super affiliate tricks.

=> http://tinylink.in/CommissionHeist

What they show is how to essentially highjack any good affiliate product or service on either Clickbank or JVzoo, and sell it, basically as if it was your own! And yet, the vendor, and YOU as an affiliate both are paid your share of the sales!

Therein lays the secret to this powerful strategy. Now, add the fact that because the system sets up an incredibly powerful selling program, now everyone’s piece of the giant pie gets EVEN BIGGER!

Due to the simplicity of this secret super affiliate system, I have to be very careful how I describe it – without exposing the whole thing and infringing on Simon and Jeremy’s copyright.

However, what I can say is that the tactic isn’t nearly as “questionable” as many might think.

In fact, done correctly “Commission Heist” is completely legal, and ethical, and all of the other things that you’d expect from Jeremy and Simon.

For instance, it is also very straight forward, ingenious and provides an unusually huge profit potential for anyone who gets it!

I absolutely love “Commission Heist” and I’m sure you’ll love it, too!...

=> http://tinylink.in/CommissionHeist

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