
What are the benefits of marriage? Is it necessary to get married in this generation?

Asked by Rishu Goel, in Home & Family

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Jatin Sharma Advanced  Real Estate
Sorry, but I don't know.
Feb 23rd 2024 02:49    Edited in Feb 23rd 2024 02:51
Pankaj Sharma Senior   Digital Marketing Expert
Marriage can have many benefits, including:

Social and emotional support: Married people have built-in social and emotional support in each other.

Financial benefits: Married couples who file their tax returns jointly may qualify for higher tax deductions and credits.

Health benefits: Married people may live longer, have fewer strokes and heart attacks, have a lower chance of becoming depressed, and be less likely to have advanced cancer.

Sense of security: Marriage can provide a sense of security, both emotional and financial.

Family stability: Marriage can provide a stable environment for raising children and nurturing their physical, emotional, and intellectual development.

Companionship: Marriage allows adults to overcome feelings of loneliness and incompleteness by forming a complementary union.

Promise to care: Marriage allows adults to promise to give each other mutual care, respect, and protection.
Feb 23rd 2024 02:54   
GbAppsApks .com Junior  Web Designer
Marriage guarantees physical and spiritual chastity and peace of a person and keeps the couple away from the pitfalls and temptations of the Satan.
The Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasize the importance of marriage and the value it holds in the eyes of Allah. Islam views marriage as a way to attain peace, tranquility, and love between two individuals, as well as a means to procreate and establish families.
Feb 23rd 2024 05:06   
Leigh G. Dover Advanced  Architect
People get married because they want a happy life.
Feb 23rd 2024 05:21   
Aiyana C. Junior  Tourist
I always stood against people trying to hack their partner's phone, until my cheating husband gave me every reason to spy on him. I've been suspecting his attitude lately and I really loved my man, so I was eager to find out the reason behind his sudden change of attitude. I contacted Fred Hacker who was recommended by a friend and after a few hours of contacting him, he gave me remote access to my husband's phone and I saw all his day to day activities and I was able to confirm he was cheating. You can reach him on gmail through;techspypro @gmail com
Feb 23rd 2024 19:06   
Jual Genteng Jatiwangi Majalengka Junior  WA 0819 5288 4742
Marriage Benefits Society The social, health, and economic gifts of marriage lead to stronger communities and society. Less Abortion: Marriage protects human life, as married women are less likely to abort their children than unmarried women.
Mar 3rd 2024 21:55   
GbAppsApks .com Junior  Web Designer
you are saying right
Mar 25th 2024 11:43   
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