I never felt wealthier as of today. Yet the good I had in my hands wasn't made of banknotes. I know that people of the world will probably not get my point, but individuals who are deeply rooted into Yeshua our Messiah will understand what I am talking about.

This morning I was speaking to our Lord, just after having read the Scripture part of 1 Samuel 7 where I found the Hebrew expression "Even ezer", stone of rescue, to describe Hashem who never failed the Israelites. 

This expression immediately brought my mind back to the beautiful visions of white stones in Galilee Yeshua had offered me.

I then spoke to Yeshua:

"My Yeshua, I now understand why you gave me so many stones of Galilee in my visions. The stone partly represents some divine characteristics like your solidity, your constancy, your peace..."

Yeshua answered:

"Child, see, it is interesting to travel through my Word. Some expressions speak to your soul as you keep wandering through Bible episodes..."

"Thank you, my beloved, for the things you are sharing with me. I am so grateful for the insights you are giving me", I said

Yeshua responded:

"Child, I am unveiling my Word to the children who love me."

On my way home, a wonderful surprise was awaiting me. The beautiful Delitzsch Gospels I had ordered from the USA had just arrived.

As I opened the book and started reading  the prayer that demanded assistance of our Messiah in reading Scriptures, immense joy showered my heart. I felt gratitude. I felt rich like never before. Thanks to the efforts of a man of God named Franz Delitzsch, who had heart to place our Messiah in a Hebrew context, a lot of people would be able to understand Yeshua much better.

Of course it would cost me some efforts: I am still not fluent in Hebrew. But it is definitely worth it. I do possess treasures that the world cannot buy: our Messiah's words. Blessed be He, always and may He enrich you too!

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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