VLSI research in India is rarely executed but, Silicon Mentor is one of the emerging Start up Research and Development company which works on the different parts of Analog IP development, Low power  Standard Cell design, Visual Motion Analysis, Neural network, Image and Video analysis, DSP and Biomedical Signaling. If you are looking for the research projects in Delhi then here is a complete list of recent Research Projects. SiliconMentor’s research areas are Analog IP development, Low power  Standard Cell design, Visual Motion Analysis, Neural network, Image and Video analysis.

Silicon Mentor is one of the unique VLSI Institute cum R & D company in Delhi NCR working on crucial concepts of PLL , Converters , Image analysis and have different facilities from its EDA platforms to real time implementable project list.There are many semiconductor industry which are working towards the development of new IP and Manufacturing of tiny devices but there are less number of Industries which are working on the combination of Neural Network and Semiconductor , Silicon Mentor is one of the Start Up VLSI company which is about to complete its first Neural network based Analog IP

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