Some of my friends were asking me one question repeatedly, "What is the Role of Article Writing is in Today's Ecommerce or Online Business to Make Maximum Money from it?". So I thought it is Necessary to Share My Opinion about the Subject. So I hope it will be a learning post for all of you and for me as well. I wish to get feed back from all of you to enhance the accuracy in the future.
In the history of Internet Marketing, which is indeed still a short history, Article Marketing has always been one of the most effective ways to market a business or website at little or no cost. This still holds true today, and will most likely betrue for many years to come.
Article Marketing is viral in nature. One article is written, and it travels from your computer to multiple article banks, providing back links to your website. From there other website owners copy the article, with the authors information in tact, and publish it in their newsletters or on their websites. They may even use your article as part of a compilation for an informative Ebook.
The important thing is that the article becomes viral – spreading far and wide. This accomplishes many things. As already mentioned, this provides you with back links to your site that help with search engine optimization. Since your author’s information, or resource box as it is called, is at the bottom of the article, this gives your website a great deal of exposure, and increased traffic.
Article Marketing accomplishes a couple more things that are vital in ecommerce today. First, writing and distributing articles helps to establish you as an expert on the topic in question. Second, it helps to build a ‘relationship’ with people who read your articles, which in turn builds trust.
Successful Internet business owners typically write and distribute at least one article per week to the various article banks. They may use articles that they wrote for their newsletters as well for distribution, after the newsletter has gone out to subscribers. If the business owner does not write well, or doesn’t have the time to write their own articles, they typically hire a ghostwriter to create the articles for them.
The articles that are distributed by successful people are informative and well written. They are not sales letters disguised as articles. They are informative vehicles that are used to get readers to visit their websites, providing helpful information, with the author’s information at the bottom, including a link to the website.
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