For any business marketing is the most essential thing and when we talk about marketing online marketing is on the priority charts as the world demands it. The era is technological era and man has become a slave of this technology. For every small thing he takes the help of internet. Hence it is necessary for every business to have an online visibility. Research has suggested that a larger number of sales target is achieved by the online presence of their product and specially for FMCG products.

When we talk about online marketing social media marketing is by far the best option. Social media’s like FACEBOOK and Twitter have incorporated the world within them. These media’s are free to join and it offers a huge array of platform to have social interactions with each other.  In super power like America internet has progressed so much that it is now considered the best medium to work with. It is given the highest priority at workplace and secondly at home. Have you heard about Advertisement on facebook page? It is the easiest and the cheapest way of branding ones product. Just post your advertisement artwork on facebook and facebook would show up this advertisement on everyone’s profile page. Companies like “Apple” have adopted this strategy and have got 100% positive response out of it.Facebook Insights

Facebook has decided to launch “people talking about this” metric for the pages related to fan. It is an insight tool for the upgraded page. Now people would be able to optimized content for the posts. Internet marketing has seen a positive growth since past few years. See Total Likes, number of Friends of Fans of a Page, the new public and internal Pages metric, ‘People talking about this’, and Weekly Total Reach of a Page. In 2009 it was rated as 500,000,000 while in 2009 it groped up to 4 billion times and was recorded as 4,500,000,000. This indicates the wonderful historic growth of online marketing. Almost each and every brand has started doing social media marketing which is a part of online marketing. Around 65% of this consists of social media marketing. Whether its “Pepsi” or “HP” they are all there on Facebook, TWITTER and various such media’s. Healthcare segment is highly inclined towards article marketing in which they promote their products by writing several positive articles about the product and posting it online.

For various NGO’s and fashion segment Social media marketing has proved highly effective. Even companies like Victoria Secrets have started circulating and putting their advertorials on various social media sites like Orkut, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace etc regarding their upcoming products and the discount available on their site which helps them in getting more and more traffic towards their site. Every company should have a syndication marketing strategy combining all of this. Social media marketing is a key to successful online marketing strategy.

NOTE: This article is posted by SEO Firm  Blurbpoint.

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