Marketing Advice

Has anyone done internet radio advertising?

by Bruce Bates Cooperative marketing
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
If so I which method did you use? Was it radio interviews? commercials? or did you have a radio show?

I am truly interested in this as I have the chance to get some advertising from an internet radio station with 30,000 listeners so I want to see what the best route to take is. Any input would be great.
Apr 9th 2013 16:55

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William Clinkscales Magnate I   DB Developer/Tech, Affiliate IM
Bruce, What are you up to now? To answer your question, I have not attempted any internet radio advertising. However, a couple of my associates with GVO have. They always opted for the informational show scenario branding themselves as an innovator of their expertise.

That being said, I watched one where associates or friends were invited as guest whom had per-scripted questions of which solutions were provided. Personally, I believe folks are becoming immune to the commercial approach (an infomercial if you will), but again I never attempted and have no stats or comparisons for you.

I do wish you the best of success, so you lead the way, we may follow? Cheers my friend.
Apr 9th 2013 18:49   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
William thanks for the reply. What am I up to now? The same thing I am always up to. Finding the most unusual ways to reach people so that the members of my cooperative get advertising and marketing unlike any other cooperative can deliver.... but I am only answering cause you asked :)

Actually I was heavily thinking interview marketing may be the way to go, but I would definitely avoid anything scripted. I would hope an interview would be more like an interview on public radio - somewhat laid back, some random chatter back and forth answering a few questions here and there.... sharing stories of success.

The truth is though the radio station I am looking to partner with is very geared toward motivational speaking, self empowerment, and life success. So interviews may work really well on such a station. I suppose I can trial and error and record some data about it and see what methods work best. :)

Thanks for your input. If at all possible I'd love you to ask your connections for me, perhaps they could share a bit of data :) (I'm always hopeful)
Apr 10th 2013 23:08   
Sylvia Guillemette Senior  Publisher, Advertiser, Writer
I have not, but I have heard that there are ways to get promoted for free on the radio.
Apr 11th 2013 07:49   
Trev Pearman Senior   IM Coach IMMACC mbr
Bruce why Radio? for an interview when you can host your own webinar on the right platform. I understand the need to reach out to a prospective audience but I do think your venturing into a world of small attraction for full blown interview on internet radio. Good Fortune to you if you obtain success...cant wait to here more
Apr 12th 2013 03:28   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
Trev, you answered your own question... sort of.

Yes I can easily host my own webinar, and these days with the ability to stream google hangouts its not only easy but free.

Although an radio station with 30,000 to 50,000 listeners is not a large audience, at the same time I don't have a 30,000 to 50,000 reach if I run a webinar.

The radio station is a motivational radio station so the targeting is really high on top of any internet based radio station with a 30,000 to 50,000 reach is actually really big!.

Running 50+ webinars to advertise for each member of my cooperative would be a very cumbersome task. You have to realize when I seek out advertising for members of my cooperative I seek out two very specific things.

First and foremost how unusual is the method of advertising. The more unusual the more powerful it is to my cooperative. Second is I need to do as little work as possible in that respect. I have hundreds of sites to advertise for. Some become members of the cooperative, others just use the services we provide. Delivering close to 100,000 hits a week takes a lot of time already so I need to use other systems that are setup for such things.

An inet radio station with a 30,000 to 50,000 tune in rate of high targeted listeners.... fits that bill.

I will definitely keep people posted about this.
Apr 12th 2013 09:37   
Patty Scheeler Professional   Integrity Networker Owner
Bruce, have you thought about doing interviews and podcasting them? I subscribe to a couple of podcasts about IM and love them. Get content and I can load them right onto my iPod.
Apr 20th 2013 14:07   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
I have thought about that but that takes far to much time I don't have - especially to do it so I build a user base.
Apr 20th 2013 19:34   
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