Facebook likes exchange

Make your FB posts go VIRAL!

by Chayne Moling Blogger, SEO, Internet Marketer
Chayne Moling Advanced Blogger, SEO, Internet...
I stumbled upon this very useful video about getting viral on FB. Really helpful guys
Apr 6th 2013 07:33

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Gary Jenkins Senior  Fan Page Management
The video took too long to get to the point, so how does it make your posts go viral?
Apr 7th 2013 14:35   
Chayne Moling Advanced  Blogger, SEO, Internet Marketer
Hey Gary. The video is only an introduction. LOL. Anyway, here are a few tips: upload a funny, inspiring, cute, or awesome video or picture on Facebook. Use the description box to describe the post in a few words, with a call to action for people to share the post. Include the URL of your squeeze page at the bottom of the description, but keep your descriptions short to allow the URL to be visible when your share the post to your friends.
Apr 8th 2013 02:39   
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