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by Jay Shaffstall
Jay Shaffstall Advanced  
Subject titles seem to need to be unique across all groups, which is going to become difficult over time. Is there any reason not to allow duplicate subject titles? (e.g. I've been unable to use "Hello all" on a group with 0 discussions)

Also, the group search seems to only search exact words in the group title. For example, my group the Squidooers doesn't come up under a search for Squidoo, despite the partial word being a match and the group description containing the word. Consider doing partial matches and/or searching group descriptions (with more weight going to group names than descriptions).

May 23rd 2007 10:08

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Jay Shaffstall Advanced   
Never mind about the search not finding partial words in titles. I'm embarrassed to admit I misspelled Squidoo in the group name. That's been fixed now, and it shows up for a search of Squidoo.
May 23rd 2007 12:59   
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