Natural Health

Breathing And You

by Christopher P. Entrepreneur,Artist,Reseller
Christopher P. Senior   Entrepreneur,Artist,Reseller
What Are the Best Breathing Methods that you have Found to be Effective in your Life and Why?Do Certain plants help you to Breathe Better?
Feb 24th 2013 14:33

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Christopher P. Senior   Entrepreneur,Artist,Reseller
Found it brings more oxygen to the system and the plants clean the Air so fresher oxygen aka air lol
Feb 26th 2013 12:53   
Christopher P. Senior   Entrepreneur,Artist,Reseller
thanks jwlsi agree they bring beuty to a house which helps the welfare of the brain also along with freshi9ng the air, cool,do you have herbs mixed in with them?
Mar 1st 2013 07:11   
Christopher P. Senior   Entrepreneur,Artist,Reseller
sounds great hope you can,and hope you have a great week ahead :)
Mar 11th 2013 06:03   
Stefan R. Innovator  Blogger, Fitness Coach, Dancer
I just picked up a book about breathing techniques. Im learning some the methods taught by Lao Tzu. Very intersting stuff, and awesome when you can finally focus on your breathing anywhere and anytime of the day. I usually use the 4 seconds in, 4 seconds hold, and 4 seconds out. Works for me the best... And yes i believe having plants around you helps promote better oxygen and energy!
Mar 19th 2013 22:19   
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