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How to Choose Your Own Home Business Opportunity. - Article

by Julie Zbeetnoff
Julie Zbeetnoff Advanced  
Are On-line MLM Companies merely Pyramid Scams in Disguise?

So many people are trying to establish an income at home using their computers these days. When you start looking around for something to promote the results can be a little overwhelming. So many opportunites promising you riches beyond your wildest dreams! Often they tell you all you have to do is sign up and nothing else. Don't even worry about promoting! How could this be true?

So where do you turn when you want to join an honest business on-line and how do you know what is real and what is a scam?

My advice is to look for a business that is promoting a tangible product.

My first on-line business was promoting on-line long distance cards with .I actually bought the long distance service for myself as I was living away from home at the time and I loved having the card to call home, I save a lot of money and was able to talk to my friends and family anytime I wanted. I found Tel3 very easy to promote because I believed in the product and used it myself.

So that brings me to my second suggestion. Truly believe in the product you are promoting. If you do not feel this is a product you can tell your friends and family about and ask them to buy or join up then maybe you should listen to that little voice.

A lot of people promote affiatiate products. To be an affiliate you are simply agreeing with the seller to be a representative or a sales person to promote whatever they are selling. Reputable companies such as Petsmart and Apple computer take on Affiliates all the time.

What is your passion? Pets, Decorating, Fitness, Computers? Make your choice and then go to an Affiliate portal such as Commision Junction or Share a Sale and find products that are related to what you would like to sell. Then simply set up a website offer information on your passion then add your products.

As for MLM business. Go forth with caution. They are not ALL scams but most of them are. Like I said before...what are they selling? Is it a product that is tangible? Is the product gimmicky? Is it a product that is price fairly? Is it something you would purchase for yourself?

What ever you do, I wish you all the best. Never jump into anything blindly especially if it involves a monetary investment. Do your research. Google the company/product with the word "review". You can also check out to see if there have been any complaints.

Julie Zbeetnoff
Jul 2nd 2007 12:25

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Sher :) Innovator   
Thanks for the great article. I've been considering affiliate marketing in conjunction with my web shops, but have felt a little discouraged lately. With the information you've given, at least I know where to start. Thanks for helping me get back in the game.
Sher :)

Jul 4th 2007 03:38   
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