Marketing Advice

How to sell a product online without a website!

by im Teach Blogger & Internet Marketer
im Teach Professional Blogger & Internet...
Sharing tips if this method can be applied and generate traffic as well ..
Feb 15th 2013 08:24

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Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
The first question that comes to mind, is why would you want to? Selling products is a business, so why wouldn't you apply the most basic business tool available to your advantage?
Feb 15th 2013 11:11   
Jason Descheneaux Magnate II
Warren a website is not mandatory...... and in my opinion building a website that will deliver is not a basic job. So i would not say most basic business tool available.

How to sell a product online without a website ?

I. Badrudin if you dont want to build a website you will need a leat a splash page, landing page. Unlike a web site or a blog you dont need to create content, optimize etc etc.

Here is how you should resell products if you dont want to build a website.

1. Create customized page for your products
2. Drive traffic to your new page
3. always add an optin form to your page. if they dont buy the first product you still have their email so you can still share a diffrente products from the same niche with them.

PS. i may share a couple of places where you can create splash pages for free, i also know a very good autoresponder that is free also. Hit me up if you would me to share them with you.
Feb 15th 2013 12:09   
Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
I hate to break the news to you Jason, but if you have a splash page that IS a website. Building a website today with WordPress being freely available is not beyond the reach of anyone who wants to learn how and it certainly is a basic tool. If you wanted to be a carpenter, it's not automatic to know how to use a Skill Saw and if you are not careful you could lose a finger or two, but that doesn't mean you need to be satisfied with using a pocket knife to cut a 2X4 in half.
Feb 15th 2013 12:19   
Jason Descheneaux Magnate II
im sure what I. Badrudin meant is the kind of website i am talking about.

Warren lets say you tell people " hey visit my website today " im sure most of people would expect a website with content and not a small splash page. A website is a website and a splash page is a splash page. Thats just how i see it.
Feb 15th 2013 12:33   
Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
And if you combine a few splash pages together in WordPress, you have a website, right? Entering content into WordPress is no harder than entering it into a splash page generator. That's just how I see it.
Feb 15th 2013 12:40   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
Well I am not going to get into the question of if you need a website because you specifically asked not using a website. I am going to use some logic and assume that you are affiliate marketing, and not the creator of a product. If you have created a product it is NOT possible to sell without some kind of site, landing page, or other web presence with an option to buy.

With affiliate marketing you absolutely don't need a website to market the product. However you still need to brand yourself. To do that you need a social presence and you need to constantly be sharing links relating to whatever types of products you sell.

Then you need to create yourself some accounts on article publishing websites and write about your topic, the product and similar related things. Share those links on your social networks. As you publish more and more articles you will become more and more known as a publisher and your articles begin to get more and more attention. When that happens more and more people visit your affiliate links.

I also have no understanding of your budget but paid advertising is also always an option. The best way is to find medium sized blogs, contact the owner, and make them an offer for banner space.

Then of course there are always methods like using forums and social network searches (like twitter) to find people specifically asking about the product you are selling.

There is also a method of using two accounts on Q&A sites such as yahoo answers. One account you post a question with, the other you follow it up with reply and a link to your product.

The truth is, there are unlimited ways of marketing..... but far and wide you will see people promote owning a blog, product page, or similar type of site that you are in full control of. I strongly encourage even if its just a free blog on blogger or a free wordpress blog that you still have a blog of some sort

Wordpress hosted blogs don't allow affiliate links/pro blogs in the sidebar, and frequently you have to mask links to get them to work... so I don't really recommend it. Research byethost on google if you need a free wordpress blog.
Feb 15th 2013 14:03   
Trev Pearman Senior   IM Coach IMMACC mbr
Well what can I say.. the simple answer is you cannot sell a product without a website...and that may be your own personally owned website or just your product and service suppliers website. If you chose the latter you will instead leverage the resources of social marketing and email marketing without ever owning a website of your very own
Mar 9th 2013 00:11   
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