Marketing Advice

What is in your wordpress marketing toolbox?

by Bruce Bates Cooperative marketing
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
The truth is a large percentage of people using wordpress to design everyday websites, and twice as many are using it as a blog. The point is everyone seems to be using it. The thing with wordpress is, its as easy as plugins, plugins, plugins.

So what are your favorite wordpress plugins and why?
Feb 9th 2013 14:43

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Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
Okay so I have a nice list I believe.

WordPress SEO: I have tried the professional paid plugins and most of the free ones I have found. In my opinion, wordpress seo is the best. It gives you color codes red, yellow, and green for each post you write. Green means your post has good seo, red means its failing. It tells you exactly what to fix in each post and how to fix it. It tells you the percentage of keyword density. It tells you literally everything. You just do what it says as you create your posts, and slowly fix old posts if needed.

WP SlimStat: this is the best stats plugin bar none. I use this over google analytic service. I love this stat program and its features.

WordPress Related Posts: this plugin adds a list of other posts on your site based on a few different configuration options. Very configurable with a great display layout.

Hana Flv Player: The only free flash player plugin that works with self hosted flash files AND allows you to add an image/affiliate link over the flash video so if a user clicks anything but the play button - it opens an affiliate link.

SEO Friendly Images: This adds title and alt attributes to all images.

Wordpress mobile pack: turn your site into a mobile friendly site.

Subscribe2: allows users to subscribe to your blog (double opt-in) AND allows you to send out emails to those subscribers.

SEO Smart Links: automatically turn all the text of keywords, categories, and post titles into links. So for example if you have a category called "marketing" everytime you type marketing on your blog, it automatically links to your category.

Antispam Bee: Spam control

Comment Luv: Comment control

SEO Super Comments: I can't even explain what this plugin does... except to say it adds so many pages to your site via comments its crazy, and pages are something google loves.

Finally I use a 3rd party desktop tool that has nothing to do with wordpress called a1 sitemap generator. The reason I use this tool, is it is the ONLY tool that properly makes all the required xml sitemaps one needs.

It automatically crawls your site and allows you to create the following types of sitemaps:
Google xml sitemap
Google images xml sitemap
Google news xml sitemap
Google video xml sitemap (for both self hosted video's and youtube style 3rd party hosted video's)
Google mobile xml sitemap
Rss based sitemap
ror based sitemap
text based sitemap
html based sitemap

So now its your turn, what are you using that I'm not, or what did you just learn based on the tools I am using? ;)
Feb 9th 2013 15:13    Edited in Feb 9th 2013 15:17
Ian L. Freshman  Work From Home Internet Marketer
Hi Bruce, thanks for the plugin suggestions. I just uploaded the slimstats, and I already think that I will like it more that google analytics. I would like any setup tips from you, as some of the settings I don't understand and couldn't find a informative tutorial. Hope to hear from you in the near future.

Thanks again.
Feb 15th 2013 23:52   
William Clinkscales Magnate I   DB Developer/Tech, Affiliate IM
I use WPTouch as opposed to Wordpress mobile pack for mobile conversion. You have a great list of useful plugins.
Also have a program called SpyBar, which comes in handy if browsing a WP site. It will display all the plugins a WP site is using. Cheers
Feb 16th 2013 12:42   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
Ian what settings are confusing you, I know all the config settings fairly well so I am sure I can explain any setting you don't understand. (except blocking IP addresses... I can't for the life of me figure that out)
Feb 16th 2013 21:21   
Ian L. Freshman  Work From Home Internet Marketer
Bruce; I'm not sure which settings are not set properly. It only seems to be tracking my IP address visits to my site.
Feb 18th 2013 01:36   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
Ian, disable javascript mode.

This is actually a known problem on some setups, I can't remember where exactly the setting is but if you need I can look and find it. If you stop using javascript for tracking, tracking will begin within 24 hours I do believe.
Feb 19th 2013 08:41    Edited in Feb 19th 2013 08:43
Ian L. Freshman  Work From Home Internet Marketer
Ok, thanks. I will try that and let you know.
Feb 19th 2013 19:39   
Ian L. Freshman  Work From Home Internet Marketer
That worked, thanks again Bud.
Feb 19th 2013 22:53   
Trev Pearman Senior   IM Coach IMMACC mbr
and now theres a new plugin for 2013... visit my profile for more
Mar 9th 2013 00:25   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
Trev I am trying to visit your profile but i have no idea what it is I am looking for exactly - nor do I know which page of your profile you have it listed. Have you a revpage about it?

Send me an email with a direct link if you don't mind.

I sure love me my wordpress plugins. :)
Mar 9th 2013 07:44   
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