SEO tips & tricks

How to Optimize Images for Better Search Engine Rankings

by Mircea GetExcellence Health & Wealth Excellence Promoter
Mircea GetExcellence Committed Health & Wealth...
Why are my images not in Googles images search? Why are they ranked so bad? Why took it so long until my images are indexed by Google? This article is exactly about that: how to optimize images for Google Image Search?! It is based on the german version, wrote in April 2010. It contains the main and basic tips for images SEO. To keep it simple, the text focuses on the Google image search. But the principles are also useful for other image-search-engines.

In summery you can say: optimizing images for search-engines is like optimizing images for blind people. For those who haven’t the time to read the following epic article here an extract of the essential tips, in order of the importance for the ranking > Check the link
Jan 18th 2013 15:27

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Harindra Bhatt Advanced  Internet Marketer & SEO Analyst
thanks for superfine sharing... Started optimizing meaningful image links...
Jan 25th 2013 06:30   
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