Marketing Advice

2013 Business Plan?

by Patty Scheeler Integrity Networker Owner
Patty Scheeler Professional   Integrity Networker Owner
I just finished up tweaking my 2013 business plan and was wondering how many network marketers actually write out a business plan each year. Do You? If you do what are your 5 main categories?
Jan 14th 2013 12:02

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Sylvia Guillemette Senior  Publisher, Advertiser, Writer
No, actually I know how they work - I just don't know how to start one. I do have access to downloads for business plan software.
Jan 16th 2013 13:46   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
I generally don't do formalized business plans as I tend to think that business is a living entity and as such any plans one makes for business may never be possible when the business changes and those plans are no longer fitting.

Rather than a plan, I just set goals.

For example: In 6 months time I have a goal to have partnerships or sponsorship's from a minimum of 5 major media advertising networks for my cooperative.

I have a goal to have a new website design ready in the next month.

I have a goal to increase my signups by 25%

Now to the untrained eye, this may seem like a business plan, but its really not. A business plan tends to do more than just set goals.

A proper business plan defines the reason for the business, defines the services or products of the business, defines the marketplace and marketplace need, sets goals, and loosely defines ways to achieve those goals.

So I do set the goals, but not much else.
Jan 19th 2013 09:10   
Sylvia Guillemette Senior  Publisher, Advertiser, Writer
Thanks Bruce!

That clears up some of the questions I had about business goals. Makes things a lot easier to understand. :D
Jan 25th 2013 11:42   
Patty Scheeler Professional   Integrity Networker Owner
Thanks Bruce for sharing how you plan. That is also a big part of my biz plan is goal setting. I do that every 3 months because things can change fast :)
Jan 25th 2013 14:37   
Sylvia Guillemette Senior  Publisher, Advertiser, Writer
That's an understatement Patty! :D
Jan 27th 2013 10:15   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
God advice and comments above by all....
BUT if in the USA or Canada and you are taking advantage of small business deduction on your TAX return, you better have a WRITTEN overall Business plan if ever called for audit. (do not think you can 'make one up' just after the notice)
And the written documentation especial for mileage and travel deductions.
A good business plan show annotations for directional changes as the business grows and it is that History that will probably allow an easy pass on the audit.
Show up with out a written plan and be prepared to most if NOT all deductions disallowed.
I know Patty mentioned an annual Plan of Action, different than YOUR business plan.
The business plan does not have to be lengthy or fancy, but must include some key elements
Jan 28th 2013 12:23   
Patty Scheeler Professional   Integrity Networker Owner
Chuck, I actually do have a written business plan that I update each quarter. I guess that comes from my business background and having to be accountable for not only the money going out and coming in but also goals to move the business forward. I could be audited anytime and would not have to make anything up... lol

My 5 main categories are:

1. Market Analysis
2. Competitive Analysis
3. Products/Services
4. Marketing and Sales (includes quarterly goals)
5. Balance Sheet
Jan 28th 2013 14:40   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
You are on the Ball, Patty.
I have worked with many declared on-line "business people" who just do not seem to understand what a Business Mindset is and how to implement the very simple structure.
Jan 28th 2013 16:46   
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