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Please Review My Article!

by Annie
Annie Innovator
Below is a blog I wrote for a group I started. Let me know what you think. If you don't agree with me politically that's OK, I'm just interested in if you think it's well-written or if it really sucks...LOL

So, did you see that creature? The ugliest dog in America, but I'm sure it could win the World Title as well! I didn't catch the name at first, and I thought I'd heard it was a male, but then the other night it was the guest on Hardball With Chris Matthews and I was shocked to see that it's actually a FEMALE (allegedly) named "Ann Coulter". This bitch-that's NOT profanity when used in this context-has got to be the most ugly CREATURE in the Universe!
OK, I'm joking; I happen to love dogs so I'd never insult the entire species in such a horrid way. The actual winner of the ugliest dog contest is absolutely GORGEOUS compared to Ms. Coulter! The funny thing is that she actually believes she's beautiful and witty and that she's NEVER been wrong! That gives her the right to say whatever cruel and heartless things that pop into her pea-sized brain.
We have the right to Freedom of Speech and I'm certainly not willing to give that up and neither should anyone else; however, someone like Ann Coulter should NOT be encouraged and certainly shouldn't continue to profit from her mean-spirited hatred. I'm admittedly a liberal, which qualifies me for execution according to Coulter, but that is NOT why I feel so atronly against her. We can discuss the issues, argue our views, state our opinions, and basically agree to disagree without resorting to vicious, heartless personal attacks! Does a widow of a terror victim have to be a Republican to be worthy of sympathy and RESPECT? Is it considered to be in good taste to make jokes about someone's young son's death in an auto accident if that someone is a Democrat who is running for President? Why is it that SHE can talk over anyone else but no one better DARE ever do that to her?
Please, no matter what your political leanings may be, let's band together and REFUSE to buy any of her books or any publication containing her work, REFUSE to watch any TV show on which she appears, and BOYCOTT any sponsors of those shows!! Decency and humanity does matter...this is a small step toward SAVING THE WORLD!!
Jun 30th 2007 13:38

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Dave Fullmer Advanced   Internet Marketing Mentor/coach
Hi Anne,

I don't watch much TV anymore because of hearing problems. Besides, I have too much to do and to little time to do it getting my Internet business going. Consequently, I don't have any knowledge of the person or subject you are referring to and no opinion about Ms. Coulter.

However, you asked for a critique of your article. So here goes. Take it as constructive advice and not to put you down.

What you wrote in your first paragraph seemed to me that you lowered yourself to the level that you put her in. I sure wouldn't want to write those insutling things about anyone, whether they were insulting themselves or not.

What that paragraph did for me was to automatically turn me off to the message you were trying to send. Remember, this is only my opinion.


As Valerie has said somewhere else on this group, forget everything the college professors have taught you about paragraph construction when writing on the internet.

Paragraphs should be short with space between them. Our eyes need lots of white space between the words so that our attention is not distracted.

Anyway, that's all I have to comment about.

Dave Fullmer
731-352-3665 CST
Jun 30th 2007 14:12   
Mike Scantlebury Freshman  
As a person who writes articles myself, I know what you want. You want to hear comments about the big picture.
But let me take the opposite view. Let me take the smallest, silliest criticism in the world. What does 'atronly' mean? Now the fact is that - from the context - I guess it's the word 'strongly' and you've typed it wrong. But look, I'm a reader, take it from my point of view. It seems to me, as a reader, that you can't have bothered to read back what you've written. If you had you would have spotted the point at which your fingers went mad and you would have corrected it. You didn't. Why not? You were so anxious and keen to get your ideas out that you didn't have time to review it yourself? Well, if you don't take the time, why should I? Why should any reader? Why should we take you seriously if you aren't willing to look at what you're spitting out?
Really, I know it's a tiny, tiny thing, but it's indicative. It shows us what you think of your own writing. It shows what you think about yourself. It's like turning up to a black tie dinner and you're wearing jeans. You couldn't be bothered?
Think about it, please. One more thing - ditch the capital letters. PLEASE.
Jul 5th 2007 09:08   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Hi Annie!

Wow... You've gotten two strongly worded
critiques ALREADY!

That is cool that Dave doesn't know of Coulter
and her brand of political commentary.

I'd like to applaud you in coming at her as hard
hitting and down to earth as you did and they
(the radical right) do each and every day!

Yes. Format your text for readability ... online.

Go ahead and Bold or Capitlize etc... but not too much.

I tend to use !! exclamation points !! too much !!

It would be great if you were to quote
Coulter and then your commentary will be more
readily understood.

I'd like to hear what you have to say about
!! Rush Limbaugh !!

Jul 8th 2007 19:01   
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