Natural Health

Increases weight

by Pritpal Singh Marketing Professional and Admin.
Pritpal Singh Advanced Marketing Professional and...
Please suggest some tips to loose weight?
Jan 9th 2013 05:53

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Christopher P. Senior   Entrepreneur,Artist,Reseller
Deep Breathing Exercises,Have helped me to lose mega wieght,along with changing diet,talk with a nutrisionist about what would be the healthy way for you to do that :) And of course Exeercise,Still just doing the Breathing will do a lot in and of itself,,that is what i have found to be effective.
Feb 24th 2013 14:31   
Stefan R. Innovator  Blogger, Fitness Coach, Dancer
Some tips that helped me to lose weight effectively are as follows.... 1, most diets don't work for the plain and simple reason that, when we are done with the diet we go back to our bad eating habits. So what you want to do is simply cut out sodas if you drink them and sugary drinks. By doing so you will notice a drop in weight.

2. Cut everything you eat in half. So if you eat large portions of food or notice that you go for seconds every time you eat, dont do it. By doing so you will be cutting your calorie intake in HALF without even noticing it.

3.Create some goals around your weight loss. Make them simple yet effective. Dont go for 100 pounds in a month, simply go for a few pounds at first. Once you hit that goal you will be excited and want to keep going. So small baby steps end up getting you there without the hassle!

Last but not least, exercise a bit... If you dont have time too, implement exercise strategies, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Or parking far away at a store. Simple things like that will help you lose weight.
Mar 2nd 2013 09:03   
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