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I am hopeless at sponsoring, weel I was up to 3 weeks ago!

by Nick Wymer Actor and network marketer
Nick Wymer Senior   Actor and network marketer
It's funny isn't it how so many network marketing businesses
have their stars who make lots of money and the majority of
team members struggle to make very much at all!

How is it that some people seem to be able to sponsor dozens of
new people into their business every month, while the rest sign
up one or two, every few months?

Network marketing is supposed to be about duplication: you sign
up a few, who sign up a few, who sign up a few and bingo you
have a huge team and big residual income!

So why is it so often the case that you sign up a few, they sign
up less and the rest sign up no-one!

Well here is the truth in my opinion - a small number of people are
brilliant at network marketing - i.e. sponsoring and they make the
big bucks.

HOWEVER - the exception is, if you have found the right product,
at the right time, with global appeal, that pings round the internet

There is no other explanation as to how I went from sponsoring
20 people in my main business in 2-3 years, to signing up 20 people
in my new business in 2 weeks, who incidentally have built my team
to almost 100 in less than 3 weeks.

So if you want to know which business has made all the difference
and turned a no-hoper into a big(ish) hitter, with a team that is
duplicating, you have to go here and download
the FREE report. NOW!

PS One team member in US, who told me she had never managed to
sign anyone up before in any business, has signed up 10 people in a
Jun 29th 2007 08:59

Sponsor Ads


Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
Valerie’s Advertisement Review

Great writing.

The first thing that got me was your header. (by the way you need to fix the word weel to well) Anyone in an MLM can relate.

I think that is what I liked about your writing; people can easily relate and feel like you are a person that knows them.

It is very important to create a common ground with others. Let them know that you have been there with their same problems and that you can help them fix that problem.

Thanks Nick

Valerie Hasara
editor OyesUcan ezine

Jun 30th 2007 09:25   
Andrew Whittington Committed   
Wow Nick .. you really caught my attention!

Well written.

Jun 30th 2007 09:48   
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