Alternative Health and Wellness

Balance Your Life

by Tracy K.
Tracy K. Senior
I market a new product, GoYin!
A juice with 16 different super fruits and herbs....check it out.

Based on 5000 years of traditional medicine, the product combines super fruits and herbs for a delicious proprietary blend. It tastes like raspberry juice!!

It costs $38 to sign up, you are then offered AMOR, for your monthly shipment of the product(optional of course) and from there you can become a business builder with many leadership bonus pools. The compensation plan is great.
I would love to talk with anyone interested.
Jun 28th 2007 10:17

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Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Hi Tracey,

Can you share with us what prompted you to join GoYin?

I'm always intrigued by what motivates people to join various companies. Is it the product? the business plan? the team?


Jul 15th 2007 13:14   
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