Marketing Advice

wich are the bests Safe Lists?

by Lino Curci List Builder-Expert in web Traffic
Lino Curci Advanced List Builder-Expert in web...
please have you experience withsafe lists? wich are the best?
Nov 20th 2012 22:46

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eMarketing Media | Kent Stewart Professional   iMarketing Advertising Strategies
Ardy's Safelist gives a lot of advertising credits and bonuses. Try to promote bona fide offers that will help folks and that other list members ARE NOT promoting in order to be successful.
Nov 20th 2012 23:13   
Nick Terracciano Innovator  Marketer
I gave up safe lists a long time ago, its really time consuming, and results were poor. I also noticed that they were springing up all over the place.If you are determined to use them try it for a month and see how you get on, good luck.
Nov 21st 2012 07:50   
Todd Perry Committed  Honest ways
Nick, sorry to hear, however I have built a good business and recurring income using just safelist. Lino, The best safelist are at MySafelistBiz check my profile.
Nov 21st 2012 20:20   
Bruno Da Gama Committed   Network and Internet Marketer
Hi Lino. I've been using credit safelists for some time and i must say they do work (sorry Nick), if you know what you are doing and what you advertise. You have to brand yourself, have a good splash page that can get people's atention and give value to them. People will opt-in if they think you can give them some value. Then you have to follow-up, either by phone (convertion rates are very high) or by email (auto-reponder) and in this case "Give Value". If you have your marketing System set up and it converts on free credit safelists then as soon as you have a budget you should start buying solo ads in safelists. The question is "wich safelists?". Just contact me.
Nov 22nd 2012 05:45   
Julie D. Senior   internet marketer
I have also been using many safelists for a long time and find that they do work
Nov 29th 2012 14:10   
Patty Scheeler Professional   Integrity Networker Owner
Lino, I use safelists to build my own list for my sales funnel. I have found about four that work really well for me. If you are interested just PM me. Oh, by the way if you purchase solo ads in those lists they really work well :)
Nov 29th 2012 15:28   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
One suggestion for using Safe-lists effectively is to NOT send your treader to a "sales" page, rather a simple capture page and attaching a REAL VALUE Free item.
Also is you use several safe-lists (as many do) DO NOT use the same headline for each mailing
Nov 30th 2012 02:44   
Patty Scheeler Professional   Integrity Networker Owner
Great suggestions Chuck!
Nov 30th 2012 18:23   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
I get the most response from darren olanders safelists and from Kenneth Kraakstad's safelists. There are literally over a dozen links just between these two gentlemans sites - if you need url's let me know or just google either person's name. They are both great people who will go way out of their way for customers.
Dec 5th 2012 12:55   
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