Traffic Exchanges: Which ones Work for you?

A Must Have For Traffic Exchange Users...

by Scott N. Internet Marketer
Scott N. Junior Internet Marketer
I have just found Vital Viral Traffic. They have a great introductory offer for premium 1 year membership for only $54. I have unlimited URLs and Banners with rotators for both. This system really makes it easy to load all your sites and then just use the rotators to load your URLs and Banners into your Traffic Exchange Programs... Easy And Cost Effective.
Nov 17th 2012 23:23

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Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
I hate to break the news, but that's like pouring water in the punch bowl so people have more to drink. If I have one campaign going for traffic exchanges, I don't need a rotator.
Nov 18th 2012 00:20   
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