Marketing Advice

Google Panda

by Purnomo -- Internet Marketer
Purnomo -- Advanced Internet Marketer
My rank blog reduce to the bottom since the Google Panda. How to increase my blog rank?
Nov 10th 2012 03:17

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Harry S. Professional   Entrepreneur
I don't know if it is permited to show us your link but can you tell us about your blog?

What is it about? how big is the competition? How much content do you have? What type of backlinks do you have? Are you doing SEO? etc...
Nov 10th 2012 09:51   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
I am going to be completely honest with you, and I am already aware that this isn't fair... but it is the way it is.

I am assuming the blog you are having problems with is maspurblog.

First - your blog is written in indonesian. This means you are not targeting english speaking people. Because you are not targeting english speaking (or chinese speaking) people google now assumes your site is not for the majority of people online. They only target it to people who speak Indonesian (yay panda?)

Second - your blog is hosted by

Because cbwebspace is an indonedian webhost - google now targets your site to the people within your country a lot more than people outside of your country (yay panda?)

Third - your website is using xhtml strict and is invalid - on top of which google has been very clear they are moving to the html5 standard and in fact have many html5 specific tags that they examine on websites now.

Forth - According to google only one link you have has any real impact on your blog and that is ""

Fifth - past this advice I need more information. What keywords were you ranking for that you lost ranking?
Nov 10th 2012 14:05    Edited in Nov 10th 2012 14:06
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