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Thank you for invitation.

by Andres Z. Ivanovic Tour operator
Andres Z. Ivanovic Advanced Tour operator
Let see what your group is offering. Hope I could learn something new for my network bussiness and that one registered under company name.
Oct 29th 2012 19:40

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Trev Pearman Senior   IM Coach IMMACC mbr
Welcome Andres to the group... remember though this is about sharing not just the taking.
Oct 30th 2012 02:08   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
Welcome Andres, I am sure you will learn a ton here just by lurking and reading, but obviously joining in and engaging is the best way - then again you clearly know that else you wouldn't have posted to begin with :)
Oct 30th 2012 13:17   
Andres Z. Ivanovic Advanced  Tour operator
Thank you Bruce. I trying to my best.
Nov 2nd 2012 12:01   
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